Responses from soix
Anyone ever try to toe-out? My podiatrist recommended against it. | |
Upgrading speaker cables advice. There’s a pair of Acoustic Zen Hologram ll bi-wire cables on US Audio Mart for only $650 that may provide meaningful improvements on the cheap. If they don’t you can just turn around and sell’em for little/no loss. I use AZ’s cheaper Satori cabl... | |
Spotify premium doesn't see node 2i as avail. device Sorry about your conundrum—I feel your pain. Why not upgrade your music source instead of the streamer and try Qobuz. Sounds better than Spotify and it’s free to try. Sorry I can’t be of more help, but best of luck in finding a solution. | |
Tube Preamp to go with Bryston SST2 amp and Magnepan 1.7i speakers I'm looking for better soundstage and instrument clarity.Look no further than a used Bryston BP26 or BP6. I bought a BP6 for exactly those same characteristics you’re looking for, and obviously there should be further synergies with your amp. Be... | |
Tube Preamp to go with Bryston SST2 amp and Magnepan 1.7i speakers What pre are you using now and what kind of improvements and sound characteristics are you looking for? | |
Amp/Preamp Recommendations I think your speakers are a bit of a tough load for a tube amp. I’d look at using a hybrid integrated like the Unison Unico Due ($3700 new) that has a tube preamp section and a solid state amp biased toward Class A that should provide more of the ... | |
A DAC to help overcome compressed music? Totally agree with @mahler123. You might consider trying a tube DAC as they can sometimes inject some life into lesser recordings without ruining good recordings and also be a big improvement over the Node’s DAC. I’d try an MHDT Orchid DAC that yo... | |
Preamp choices:Short list Why only those three? What pre are you using now, and what sound characteristics are you most looking for? Budget? You really didn’t give much to go on here to form a basis for a meaningful recommendation. | |
Need a preamp, new or used. My biggest problem is my wife has sensitive hearing. High notes hurt her ears. Divorce can fix that. Expensive tweek for sure but well worth it in the long run. | |
Not Thrilled with Vandersteen 2CE Sigs - where is the first place to work on? You need to be more specific about what you’re not liking about the sound and what recordings aren’t sounding good to you, otherwise you’re just spinning everyone’s wheels here. | |
Replacement for Marantz AV8801: another prepro or receiver? we spend much more time watching movies and TV than critically listening to musicUnder these circumstances I’d just get a good AVR and call it a day. I don’t think it’s worth the added hassle/expense of buying a prepro and separate amplification.... | |
BAT VK -200 vs. McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe? If you like what you’re hearing and the 0.5 has enough power, I’d strongly consider sending it to SMcAudio for upgrades as it will be a surefire huge improvement over what you have now. Older DNA amps will eventually experience input board failur... | |
McCORMACK DNA-1 Yeah give Steve a call. He talked me through fixing my amp a while back (turned out to be a fuse), but DNA amps of that age can suffer an input board failure that is basically fatal. Hope it’s just a fuse. | |
Speakers for Adcom GFA 575se $2k-$3k I’ve been using the same cables you have for years so I understand. There’s a demo pair of Usher Mini Dancer 2 with diamond tweeters for $2950 on eBay that may just end up being keepers. | |
Replacement for Marantz AV8801: another prepro or receiver? And I've seen comments online that the analog section in these AVRs is really pretty good. Well, pretty sure you didn’t read those comments here. IMO you have a good amp and speakers, and it’d be a shame to hobble them for 2-channel listening wit... |