
Responses from soix

Closed back headphones and Focal
Put simply, when you hold the Stellia, you know where your money went. When you hold the Arya, you wonder where your money went.Ha!  Best line of the day, and thanks for sharing your findings — most interesting.  As an owner of the low-rent (but s... 
Preamp recommendation; ≤ $5k
Sound profiles of tube pres vary greatly so would be helpful if you could specify what sound characteristics are most important to you.  
Hoping for a recommendation for stereo amp around $1500 or less ($2k max)
There’s a pair of Bel Canto 500M monos on US AudioMart for $1800 that’d be great.  Another excellent option would be a D-Sonic M3a-800S for $1475 new, and they offer a trial period, which is obviously a nice option.  D-Sonic flies under the radar,... 
Anyone Successfully Go from Floor Standers to Bookshelf Monitors w/ Subs?
Maybe go with smaller and attractive floorstanders that punch above their weight?  Also obviously avoids the hassle of integrating subs.  Something like the Joseph Audio Perspective 2 might pass the WAF and size test and still fill your room adequ... 
Anyone interested in nearly perfection on a headphone a a great price??
The Hifiman HE400S is available on Amazon for $250, and the Sundara “open box” is at Hifiman for $299.  Don’t know your friend’s tastes or budget, but these are two good options IMHO (I own the 400S).  
Best Amp With Some Warmth and Midrange Magic To Pair With The RAAL Requsite SR1a's?
@yyzsantabarbara — which amps? 
Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ?
class A always sounds better Who says?  Absolutes are rarely applicable in this hobby IMHO.  
Gershman Studio 2
Thanks for sharing and nice to hear Gershman did the right thing.  I’ve always liked what I’ve heard from Gershman speakers and think it’s a shame they fly so low on the radar at least here in the US.  Look forward to hearing your impressions.  
Help Me Choose or Confuse Me More
Need to replace aged Arcam AVR 600----looking for suggestions
+1 Anthem if it’s in your budget.  If not, I pitted the Arcam directly against the Yamaha Aventage and found the Yammy to be superior in imaging, soundstage, and overall transparency so that’d be my recommendation if Anthem is too pricey.  Anthem ... 
Bass traps - foam cushiony items from Amazon ok?
+1 give GIK a call. 
Lou came around just in time to rescue me from ever having to listen to 8-track. RIP.  
buget used amp ?
I think it’s a bit of a shame to drive your excellent speakers with a $500 amp, but to each his own.  There’s a Bel Canto S300 available here for $750 that at least won’t offend your Thiels.  Best of luck.  
LSA Signature 20?
I think you’ll be thrilled with the LSA-20 Sigs with your equipment — great choice IMHO.  If I’m wrong you can send them back, but I’d bet a lot of coin you won’t even consider that after hearing them.  Best of luck whatever you decide.  
Toslink cable that isn't prone to jitter, possible?
Transports matter too.  Buy another carousel player and switch to RCA.  Your nice new DAC deserves better anyway.  Better yet, get a Node Vault or Innuos Zen Mini and rip all your CDs into it and plug it into your DAC, then you can put your entire...