
Responses from soix

Basic Budget Bookshelf speakers
The Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus is $699/pr and look and sound great, and they don’t require a lot of power so your Yammy should work fine with them.  Best of luck.  
Your advice needed, speakers to buy $8K to $13K
Joseph Audio Perspective 2 pretty much checks all your boxes.  Best of luck.  
Soft, smooth organic SS integrated amps?
Looking for a DAC under 2k
Not everything that comes from China is junk.  Denafrips is not junk, and ignoring them is your loss.  
Headphone amp connection
Looks like I will have to go old school and get up to change the volume.  Did you consider the SMSL SH-9 headphone amp I mentioned above that has its own remote?What is the advantage of using the fixed outputs on the preamp instead of the extra ou... 
Looking for a DAC under 2k
Denafrips Pontus ll might be just the ticket.  Best of luck.  
Need HELP with my CD player
If you liked the sound of the Node why not try a Bluesound Vault that’s similar and you can load all your CDs directly into it and forget about the CD player?  Innuos Zen Mini Mk3 is another option, and you can upgrade either with a better DAC dow... 
Headphone amp connection
The SMSL SH-9 has a remote volume so you could make use of the Rogue’s fixed line out and still have the convenience of a remote.  And it’s not much more expensive than the Asgard.  Best of luck.  
Marantz 7706 or Anthem MRX 740
In a nutshell, the Anthem will sounds more neutral with more upper-level detail and have better room correction and is the more reliable of the two.  The Marantz will sound fuller and warmer with less treble detail.  Best of luck.  
Replace my Marantz AV7702mkII?
does the 2 chan pre need to be on when watching a movie? I think so, but that means a tube pre is kinda out of the questionWell, yeah, but you don’t have a tube option at all using only a prepro, right? The point is, even a good solid state stereo... 
Music format for bringing to audition/demo
Call ahead and find out what they have.  Unless you know what version/quality of the songs you want to use are on Tidal/Qobuz you might be better off bringing your own CD or downloaded version as all recordings are not created equal.  Hell, id eve... 
Best skiinny floorstanders
What sound characteristics are most important to you and what would you like to improve over what you have now.  BTW, the Boenickes are great but not sure they’ll work too well with a tube amp.  
Replace my Marantz AV7702mkII?
I live in a condo I don’t have the luxury of multiple dedicated listening rooms, I need to compromise.Good news — you absolutely do NOT need to compromise.  Keep on using your Marantz for HT and seamlessly incorporate a dedicated stereo preamp int... 
Opinions wanted: 10-30K Speakers for Jazz/Folk
Given what you’re looking for I’d definitely make Harbeth speakers a must hear.  They’re voiced starting with the midrange and are very musical speakers.  ProAc, Verity Audio, Rockport Technologies, Sonus Faber, and DeVore would be some other good... 
Power Cable recc for NAD M10
+1 Audio Envy, also Raven Audio, Cullen Cable, and Triode Wire Labs worth exploring along with rolling your own as above.  Best of luck.