
Responses from soix

Pre, pro $3k
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
I just re-read the post and realized the OP was using a damn AVR as a preamp.  And not just any AVR, but a Marantz AVR which, IME is one of the most veiled and colored AVRs out there.  So no wonder when the OP heard the detail and transparency of ... 
Wilson Watt Puppy 7…Would it work for me?
I couldn’t live with that tweeter and would look for something else.   
Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject
Too many variables to make this an apples-to-apples comparison.  Any weak link in any of those chains could negate their inherent advantages.  As with anything in high-end audio, EVERYTHING matters, so if something is off it takes your sound — wha... 
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
this is a case where specifics drive the outcome, generalities are fun coffee table chatter, but are inconsequential Bingo!  This is totally system and listener dependent.  First, and most important question — what preamp were you using before?... 
Bookshelf Speaker For Outdoors
What do you find is most lacking in your outdoor sound? My guess — it sounds thin and bass shy, no? When I worked for Magnolia I discovered the option of incorporating outside subwoofers to fill out the sound. I didn’t even know outside subwoofers... 
pre-amp processor
All I can tell you is I heard TacT’s room correction in a roughly $200k system, and with the room correction turned off the system sounded broken to the point where I’d never consider listening without it — it was that significant.  I think maybe ... 
pre-amp processor
I’m no a big fan of most EQ programs either, but Lyngdorf room correction is very advanced and I’d be surprised if it didn’t yield positive results.   
Anyone have a Luxman headphone amp?
Yeah, that’s no doubt a different sound profile.  Maybe u can find something closer to the Luxman?  I feel ur pain man.   
Anyone have a Luxman headphone amp?
@devilboy Congrats on the Susvaras!  I’d be very interested in your thoughts on them versus the 1000se.  I read a review, I think at, that said the 1000se captured a lot of the Susvara’s performance, but obviously there are serious v... 
CD transports; do they really matter
Get an Innuos Zen Mk3, load all your CDs into it an introduce yourself into the wonderful world of streaming and a whole new world of music you would’ve never heard with your silver discs.  
Egglestonworks Fontaine ll
I wrote a review of the Fontain Signatures a while back, and they were very impressive. But, I also reviewed the Thiel CS1.6es and they w... 
Will An Anthem AV Receiver Benefit From An Aftermarket Power Cable
@ericsch just curious how the Anthem compares to your older Marantz.  My experience with Marantz is that it skews to to the warmer side and lacks detail up top, which I’d think the Anthem would excel in.  Your thoughts?  
pre-amp processor
I ordered the Lyngdorf mp-60 2.1 Good for you!!!  Their room correction is legendary and I totally think you made the right decision and will be thrilled with the results.  I’ll just say, I’m jealous, and please report back on what I’m sure are... 
20 year old power center from monster, Circuits still OK?
No.  You can make significant improvements sonically.  AudioQuest Niagara, Core Power Technologies from Underwood HiFi, Audience, Synergistic, Shunyata — any of these and more would probably make an audible improvement in your system’s performance...