
Responses from soix

Changes to older system
I’d replace the speakers first rather than trying to put a bandaid on them with tubes, and you probably don’t wanna run your Matrix 3s with a tube amp as they generally require some power to get the best out of them. Those older metal tweets are l... 
First Watt F8, passive preamp, DAC
Personally I’d go with an integrated as needing a DAC with a good volume control will reduce your DAC choices quite a bit.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.  Best of luck.   
Replacement power. Ps
I’ve always thought Clayton Audio amps were some of the better Class A solid state amps around and quite a value for the performance they offer.  Here are a couple reviews for their M200 mono blocks and S100 stereo amps FYI... https://positive-fe... 
My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?
I’d put more emphasis on reviews/reviewers who take the time and effort to compare a review sample to another competitive piece, otherwise the reviewer could just be listening to the reviewed product in a bubble and relying on longer-term auditory... 
My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?
You’ve already got several excellent options here, so if I’m you I’m reading all the reviews I can to see which one(s) best provide the sound characteristics you’re looking for. If you know you like the Class-A, solid-state sound it’s hard to see ... 
Monstrous power cables
I’m of the camp that cables can and do make a difference but that those differences are always subtle, at best. While I largely agree with this, I shy away from using the term “always” in audio.  While most of my cable changes have made subtle ... 
New to streaming question
Disregard, there is a search function almost hidden away in the Naim app where you can search artists through Quboz or Tidal.  I'm an idiot. No, you’re not at all. I think there are a lot of idiot app developers who for some unknown reason hide... 
Narrowing down the field (DAC wise)
Listening the other day to a sound demo for the weiss501 in comparison to something else. The 501 shined (wish it was just a DAC) really opened my eyes and ears What exactly did the 501 do that was better than your DAC?  This is critical inform... 
New to streaming question
If your equipment is properly set up and capable of 24/192 you might want to check  your settings in Qobuz to make sure you’ve enabled 24/192 resolution.   
Monstrous power cables
Compare the thick cable to the Pangea using them in your amp and/or preamp and maybe you’ll answer your own question.   
Another option, albeit with a bit of a different sound signature, would be the Hifiman HE-R9.  It’s got a little bit of a richer and perhaps a more dynamic sound versus the Aeon, which may actually pair well with your more neutral sounding amp.  H... 
Narrowing down the field (DAC wise)
What do you like about your current DAC and what improvements are you looking for, and what sound characteristics are most important to you?  
Valvet with DAC for volume
Great amp.  I’d find a way to try an active pre before making a final decision.   
WiFi streaming — streamer vs. through iPad
So after listening to and learning a lot from all the great info here, I’ve decided to dip my toe in on the cheap to get an idea of what improvements I’ll get in my system running hard wired vs. just using WiFi.  I bought a TP-Link RE650 used in v... 
Cable curmudgeon
Well those are just silly arguments I’m not even going to bother responding to.  Let’s just say we live on different planets and leave it at that.