
Discussions soix has started

Oppo DV-970HD digital out question7433
WiFi streaming — streamer vs. through iPad 480846
XLR Female to RCA Plug Adapter148917
HDMI cable for I2S344112
Playing CDs sounds better than Qobuz — dammit1382282
HDMI audiophile cable14794
Need your streaming expertise!12047
One man’s HeadFi journey34971
If you feed a DAC with USB does XLR matter as much?222213
Lavri Cables20572
Cullen or Audio Envy PC?26485
Lavri Cables315013
Convert 3-pin to 4-pin XLR?13004
Qobuz app button — I’m an idiot12196
The extinction of human interaction takes yet another step forward...423947