
Responses from sogood51

Sunfire: Holographic Imaging Opinions
I have used it many times and it works and sounds great with many recordings...not all. It also works better with some speaker systems than others. My Small Vmps 626's semm to work well with it, my large multi-driver Vmps supertowers not as well. ... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Audioprism Mantisa pre-ampKrell Ksa-250 ampApogee Duetts SignaturesOne of the best, if not the best. The Duetta Sig's are the best all-around speaker I have owned....they do it all!!!I have owned many a speaker system but NONE sound as real as the... 
Audio's Most Enduring Products.
Krell Ksa-250, almost 13 years old and blows 99.9% of the amps I go listen to out of the water. Every time I think about change....for get about it!!!!Dave 
Krell guys please help new Krell owner with preamp
Krell amps are fairly neutral and will pass any flavor of sound you would like. I have a tube pre-amp mated with my Ksa-250 at this time. Before this I had a Bent Audio passive for around a year.Dave 
How to Transfer VCR output to a Digital Recorder
I think you will need to input the VCR's analog output to a computer that can convert it to digital info. first. You can buy A-D converters for about $50-$100 if you computer is not already setup for this. I,m no I could be leaving som... - The source for SACD software info 
RIP Ray Charles
A true great! I agree with Romakabi 100%.Dave 
Are you delighted at your present system?
I have had the pleasure of putting many great sounding systems together over the last 30 years. I am delighted with my present system..but, I was also delighted with many of the other systems.I love music but also love the thrill of putting togeth... 
Does Your System Sound Like the Real Thing?
Only when I'm in another room and the system is loud have I paused and thought to my self how real things sound off in the distance. Of course this Real Thing is only the sound you hear at a live event when you distance yourself (restroom comes to... 
What needs to go?
HiflyerSorry for the slow response, the Mantissa is one of those components you hear or read little about, maybe very few were made before Red Rose bought the company...I don't know.I would rate it C+ for looks and A for sound in my system. It is ... 
What needs to go?
HiflyerI would add a dedicated two channel pre, the B&K is only fair-poor as a two channel pre in my opinion. I had to do the same thing with my setup. First I had a passive pre between my pre-pro and amp with great results..but, a speaker cha... 
Building from scratch... why not go 6.1 or 7.1?
Your room should be fine size for extra channels...go for it if you have the cash IMO. My system sounds great with 7 speaker setup and I may go back to that setup soon.Dave 
Krell KSA200S with tube preamplifier
Balanced...Sonic Frontiers and Audio Research are both good matches with your amp. Many other tube pre's would also sound fantastic but your need for balanced will keep your list somewhat small.I use a single-ended tube pre with my Ksa-250 and am ... 
My first real hi-end audio system Please advise
Keep the gear your father is giving you, you will soon be sorry if you sell it to buy a receiver. While the Sunfire is a fine receiver, these types of products are designed for the no muss no fuss crowd.You can always add cheap-used components to ... 
Help me choose a new preamp please?
JondI think you will find the Mantissa to be an outstanding pre-amp, transparent with a moderate amount of warmth. It is also..DEAD QUIET.The 6DJ8 tubes have the most effect on it's sound should you roll some tubes. I have liked Siemens E88CC and ...