
Responses from sogood51

No Turning Back Now
Agree with Slappy. Try the Infocus X-1 at around your price range...thats what I use. I have an 55 inch RPTV in the other room that I thought was good untill I got the contest!On another note...great for TV also as long as you understand... 
Equalizers anyone?
I agree with Tvad, they can help...but only to a small degree. A good room and an equalizer could find love, a bad room will find little help through Eq-ing.Dave 
Tuff decision, need help
Paragon Regent: 
Why even bother?
If your in a large metro area with lots of stations..why not. A good tuner (I have Sansui TU-717) sounds very good!Dave 
Tuff decision, need help
I agree with Newbee. Tell us more about your room and speaker placement. Speaker/room interface is 75% of the game IMO.Dave 
Please Recommend 5 ch Amp that...
Much better sounding than Bryston and a mid-range quality that Bryston only wished it had.240 watts at 4 ohms. Note: I do not Know the seller of these amps.Dave 
Speakers with great high and mid range
Pick up a used pair of Maggies, even better but only if your brave and have a somewhat large room...Apogees!Dave 
Please Recommend 5 ch Amp that...
The little Krell Kav-500 has those features (I own one) and can be bought for less than your price. OR, check this power-house out don't know if it has balanced inputs and needs 20A outlet but for the cost you c... 
Looking for DAC suggestions
Start here the free home trial and your not out if you don't like it. This little Dac gets great user opinions and the price is right.Dave 
Best Speaker for Loud Rock w/ tubes
While I don't listen to much loud rock anymore, I still own my old VMPS Supertowers (see my system pic's). Vmps...all models are one of the best rock speakers on the market IMO.My 8 year old Supertower/r's make Klipsch sound like toys to be honest... 
Living Stereo SACD's are a comin
Also, has them for $10.99 and free shipping if over $50Dave 
Who makes a "true" Transmission Line speaker?...
I ran across these in the for sale section listened to some IMF's at a shop in Sagnaw Michigan years ago...stunning bass quality and over-all one of the best speakers I had ever liste... 
So YOU can't hear a difference in cables
Found this at Stereophile, interesting read (and price!) 
What is the benefit of low efficiency speakers?
" What is the benefit of low efficiency speakers "I can think of none?Dave 
HYBRID SACD stereo or multichannel.
Agree Metralla, while I find DVD-Audio's to sound (good enough for me), I'm not going to go the extra mile to enjoy what I can have on sacd with-out extra effort.Dave