
Responses from sns

Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
The issue with not listening is it appears as if one has an agenda, especially since this dac has received a fair amount of positive reviews. Since all these positive reviews based on subjective listening, not listening fails to even acknowledge w... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
I agree the issues ASR measurements uncovered are problematic, plenty of dacs out there, many far less expensive superior measuring.   Which brings into question; how impactful are these measurements to ultimate sound quality? With so many findi... 
Decware SE84UFO Zen vs First Watt SIT3
Very nice explanation of impressions. I've considered some of the lower powered amps such as your Zen, and 2a3 or 45 SET's for my Khorns, thought I may encounter some of the same issues you have. Not sure anything less than 300B power is sufficien... 
Is This the Essence of "The Audiophile Dilemma?
May be inevitable at some point in system building. Certainly experienced this on my journey to finding what I was always looking for.   One great advantage newer audiophiles have over us oldies is digital has improved so much over the years. My... 
Is an isolation transformer better than a power conditioner?
For years I had hum, incoming voltage running between 123-126v in those years. Since repairs, 119-120v 24/7, no perceptible hum ever. Over voltages and dc offset  usual causes of transformer hum. Mounting them properly very important as well.  
Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.
CPAC in Hungary, this is model for us. So sad.  
Best progressive rock album side
Not sure I can give best of, but Egg, Man, Rare Bird all have some tasty sides.  
Hi Resolution sound on a Windows 7 computer  
Digital Interconnects - Which one is the BEST ??!!
Ethernet could only be considered if one has dac with internal steamer. Ive seen reviews where external streamer with usb beat ethernet in on streaming dac. This would be case where external streamer superior to internal streamer and dac has very ... 
Is an isolation transformer better than a power conditioner?
I auditioned a number of PC some years ago, PS Audio regen, Shunyata Hydra, Audience Adept Response, can't recall others. Prefer my BPT 3.5 Signature with mods for all front end equipment, no PC for amps. I recall hearing the balanced transformer ... 
Most Realistic Recordings
For sure Patricia Barber, "Companion".  Also, Blue Coast DSD recordings.  
How important is spending time with your gear?
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy during times I'm not listening. When listening I go for total dark out room, eliminating distraction of physical sensory inputs allows one to 'see' further into music. Having said that, I do like the glow of tubes ... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
The reason testing crowd can't get past measurements is they simply can't get past the idea of NOT trusting their senses, or anyone else's for that matter. The one listening test they use, blind testing is so often inconclusive, which only proves ... 
Digital Interconnects - Which one is the BEST ??!!
@rop45 Nope. Toslink generally used between cd transports, players, optical fiber is network cable, does same job as ethernet cable.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
I found my 004 pretty inferior to 005, it would be very interesting to see the 004 under measurement microscope.   Three kind of purchasers, those that require good measurements together with long term listening, and those who rely solely on goo...