
Responses from sns

Using Bad Recording to Evaluate a System
Many of my favorite recordings sound rather mediocre so I'm in full agreement with your observations. Playing mediocre recordings forces one to deal with that old analytical/musical conumdrum, finding and keeping the perfect balance can be very el... 
Active Shielding in Cables
I am using the Synergistic Research Resolution Reference X2 series speaker cables. These sound wonderful in my system, a bit quieter than some other higher priced cables I've tried. While I can't say that the active shielding is the sole cause of ... 
What is needed to have the best CD/Digital sound?
Tube amps and preamps, a DAC or player with tubes in output section will bring even more warmth and fullness. 
Good Power Cord for a BPT Line Conditioner .......
VH Audio AirSine if its in your budget. Beat out some other fine cords on my BPT 3.5 sig. 
Experiences with Nirvana Digital cable ???
I recently demoed the Nirvana DC-110, the Synergistic Resolution Ref. x2, PAD Venustas (all balanced). The Nirvana was nicely musical but not as transparent and detailed as the other two. I preferred my Ridge Street Audio Midnight SPDIF to any of ... 
What sonic characteristics matter the most?
Tonal balance is of utmost importance to me. If the bass is boomy, the highs accentuated or the mids recessed I can't even begin to listen. Higher mid anomolies are especially bothersome! It seems that when the tonal balance is off I'm constantly ... 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
Cwlondon has it correct in that marketing plays a large role in creating wants/needs. Our culture is absolutely inundated with purveyors who influence and anticipate our every need. Material items that were previously uneeded or not even thought a... 
Alon/Nola drivers
All drivers are custom in the Alons. One thing to consider is replacement prices, I recently spoke with Carl and there have been steep price increases: Alnico tweeters $1600 pr., 10" Alnico woofers $1600 pr., Alnico mids are still $800 pr. There a... 
Anyone tried new VH Audio Air Sine Cable?
I concur with Tvad, these cables are aptly named, 'air' being the relevant term here! 
Audio Aero Pirma DAC versus MF TriVista 21 DAC
The 'sharpness' you hear is likely caused by the AC, try a power conditioner on your front end components. Dedicated lines are essential as well. 
Killing the Myth:Soundlabs with SET 845based ONLY
The Art Audio Carissa and/or Carissa Signature will run relatively inefficient loudspeakers as well. These are high current design 845 amp. The bass control and articulation on my highly modified Alons is amazing from just 16 WPC, much better than... 
Ways to clean up the wall power for SET amp?
Although not SET my Cary SLM 100's like Bybees alone best, in my case I use them on both the hot and neutral. Tried power conditioners, sucked away too much of the drive and life. Tried caps on AC receptacle in combination with the bybees, same pr... 
What would you change?
I would suggest power conditioning, your present system is not the cause of the glare and/or edge. 
What haven't you listened to in a long time, but..
Its been Mike Bloomfield, an Anthology cd, Electic Flag, and If You Leave These Blues Play 'em As You Please. Coincidence Rosstaman? And Gordus, yeah, String Driven Thing! Also, any psychedelia I pick up, lately Trader Horne and Music Emporium. 
HELP Turning off the Left Brain
Only once have I been able to turn off my analytical nature long term. I had finally optimized a former system over a period of years and finally felt that I could let go and enjoy the music. I enjoyed that system for over a year without one chang...