
Responses from sns

Using step up / down transformers?
I'd like to be more precise in regard to transformers on ac lines. I stand by what I said about diminished performance with my diy bucking transformer. I did suffer transient blunting and micro and macro dynamics suffered with trans. I'd like to m... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
The tube VIP program is in fact Grant Fidelity, the website named Premium Vacuum Tubes. Wonder how long club has been in existence? $30-$40 year membership. 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
I did just go over to Linlai US website, it does appear they only ship gobal spec tubes here. 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
Charles1dad, Joel's 6moon review of Linlai Elite Mesh was polar opposite of what I hear, he claims it sounds bright, no way in my setup. Israel at Coincident also mentioned to me he dislikes any mesh plate tube, claims of high frequency anomalies.... 
Fear of volume control
Another thing affecting lowest volume one can satisfactorily listen at is ambient and/or steady state noise floor. This would be noise generated internally from house. Add to that outdoor noise which makes it to listening room. The higher this noi... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
Liquidsound, great, I'll be looking forward to your impressions. What club are you talking about? 
Using step up / down transformers?
Running my system on the 240 lines already in my house has been a recurring thought. 
Network Switches
I just came across this thread, interesting, but sort of old, perhaps it can revived. I've been thinking about adding network switch for some time now, already have post server taken care of with FMCs and usb decrapifiers. Up to now, I've fed serv... 
Fear of volume control
 Really has a lot to do with a lot of things. Using dac as volume control, may be losing bits, volume pots have sweet spots, I'd say every active component within our systems have sweet spots. Still, I'd say its current supplied to loudspeaker and... 
Using step up / down transformers?
Depends on how resolving your system is. I built a custom bucking transformer some time ago to reduce over voltages coming into my home. Unit was built to audiophile standards, with high quality transformer,matting to minimize vibration, emi/rfi s... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
Forgot to add, I believe I read somewhere Linlai WE300B is exact same as Psvane WE300B. Based on that, and their marketing, I'd expect the Elite to be the better tube. At this point, the Linlai Elite and EML XLS 300b's are my two top contenders to... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
I'm interested as well. I presently have Linlai Elite 101D mesh plate and Psvane WE101D for use in my Coincident Statement pre. Linlai build quality appears better than Psvane, thicker glass, interior build looks more substantial, much greater wei... 
Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty”
I hear shouty just as atmasphere describes it. In stock form my circa mid-late 80's Klipschorns certainly had it, one major infraction was the K-401 mid horn. Exponential horn, metal, rang like a bell, bad throat design, etc. I could have never li... 
SET vs Push-Pull (Line Magnetic vs Primaluna)
If you were looking to get closer to SET sound, move to KT will be move in somewhat opposite direction, imo. I prefer the  EL34 house sound to KT 88 in my PL Dialogue Four. KT presents as more precise sound, less euphonic. PL amps are in modern so... 
klipshorn speakers
mijostyn, yeah sure, I've never heard real three dimensional imaging. How would you know, have you been here in my listening room? Also, I did state imaging of STOCK Klipschorn was SURPRISING,  taking in account it's design liabilities. My Klipsch...