
Responses from sns

LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
Reliability and durability are an important consideration in my tube purchases. At this point EML front runner, Liquidsound's review of LinLai will have major bearing on ultimate choice. As he previously mentioned, and I experienced with LInLai 10... 
Network Switches
Listened to my recently purchased RenoLabs Ultimate switch first time. Right off heard increase in resolution, lower noise floor thing. Initially, most noticeable were sound stage or,  imaging improvements, a little more 'pop'  or separation of in... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
Thank you to Charles and other's input. And Charles, thanks for more in depth impressions of EML. I don't want to hijack thread, but for Charles, and anyone else using Coincident Statement pre. I got the MK II upgrade along with further upgrade of... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
In watching many threads and forums over the years the only 300B tubes that don't seem to have durability issues are the EML, WE and Shuguang Black Treasure. Don't recall ever seeing a single failure of any. I'd say Psvane has a pretty good track ... 
CD Quality Versus Streaming Quality
Well, the advantage of streaming is at least you didn't have to purchase the cd or vinyl only to find poorer sound quality than expected.  Download service providers should provide provenance, entire history. I thought HD Tracks did that, haven't ... 
CD Quality Versus Streaming Quality
Totally agree on provenance of recording. First of all,I don't listen to a lot of commercial music, there are many contemporary recordings that aren't compressed within an inch of their life. The 2500+ cd rips I have are from 80's through today, a... 
CD Quality Versus Streaming Quality
If you think streaming sounds bad, you're listening to poor streaming solution. Every single little thing matters in streaming, the network extremely important. All network equipment should have linear power supplies, quality ethernet cable, optic... 
Singer Songwriters Rarely Mentioned By Audiophiles
Yeah, James McMurtry writes in song, his father the novelist Larry McMurtry recently died. Another one who wrote in song was the late great Harry Chapin. 
Manley Amp is humming - troubleshoot :(
You better have the necessary skills before going into that amp, you could make a bad situation worse. 
Why the cost increase?
Socialists running amok in America, privatize the benefits, socialize the costs. And yeah, libertarians as well, I can choose to not vaccinate, what about those who choose to want to live! The rabble in charge. Meet the new boss, same as the old b... 
Roon/Qobuz lost 7000 files
Wolverine1, I never say never, the reason I have multiple backups, usb hard drive, Synology NAS and Soundiiz. Yes, it would still be tedious work to replace the lost Qobuz music within Roon, but I do have all the albums and artists saved.I just wo... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
I've not been able to move past present Shuguang black treasures as PT in 300b mono blocks or as drivers in Coincident Turbo 845 because of warranty and durability questions. The Shuguangs expose every upgrade I've ever made in system, seem to be ... 
Roon/Qobuz lost 7000 files
I use Roon with tidal and qobuz, never any issues. Make sure you have latest updates with each. You can also save playlists and favorites, import and export them from various applications with Soundiiz. This is what I use to transfer playlists fro... 
Noise floors
Equipment noise floor. If the RFI riding on grounds yes, but RFI can enter from myriad places. I've had rfi issues in past, cable dressing, equipment placement, room shielding can all help. 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
Seems like HR's preference for WE based as much on warranty as sq. I believe the Cossor brand LinLai are Asian market only tubes, certainly not the same as Elite or perhaps even their lower level North America exports. As for warranties, assuming ...