
Responses from sns

What process do you use to purchase cables?
Many suggestions above good. I used the lending library at the Cable Company years ago when first attempting to ascertain impact of all cables in system. You could buy and sell,  but lending library least hassle and likely least expenditure. 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
I'm wondering how the objectivists came to make their purchasing decisions? Did you do double blind tests on cables you purchased, or was it a subjective decision?I've seen very few double blind tests in regard to cables or audio equipment over ma... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@vinylguy2016Do you believe you could hear difference between $3 cheapo aluminum conductor, tin plated connector cable and your $50 cable in double blind test? And did you in fact conduct such a test? Assuming you did and $50 cable came out ahead,... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
It appears Psvane has new Acme 300B tube out, looks like punched plate vs solid plate for other Acme, priced about $200 more than original Acme. Can't find much info out there about this tube, anyone heard it or have more info?@liquidsound, any fu... 
Power conditioner some say yes and some say no.
I absolutely hear softening of transients on my 845SET amp with power conditioners, including my BPT 3.5 Signature, a balanced isolation transformer based pc. Further upgraded with Oyaide R1 ac receptacles and Mundorf filtering caps. This most not... 
Experience with HFTs
I use a few in conjunction with other room treatments. After much experimentation I've settled on six being optimum for my room. I use three on each side of room, perhaps five feet behind listening chair, spread out evenly from top to bottom. I've... 
Most harsh/shrill sounding speakers (vintage)
The Klipsch horns everyone hates are the K 401 metal mid horn, they are horrendous. How do I know, I have circa 1989 Klipschorn, had that horn stock. Thing rings like a bell, tried damping, got damped sound, gave up on that horn real quick. You've... 
Critical listening and altered states
Initially became an audiophile through exclusive listening to first and only audiophile system in my circle of friends while on hash/honey oil  or hashish. The shock of discovering high quality sound, much new music and genres of music, and the bu... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@guakus, Duelund makes a bulk cable devoid of dialectic, and both VH Audio and Duelund (as do many other manufacturers) has a variety of bulk cable with dialectic. Now if you are talking about creating your own wire from ingot you are correct.And ... 
older CD transport vs newer ones.
Funny you guys mention PS Audio PWT. It was the very next transport I tried after ML #37, so disappointed! Even after modding never came close to 37, much darker sounding, less involving, the 37 was such a special transport, on top of one of the b... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Gaukas, both VH Audio and Duelund sell bulk wire manufactured specifically designed and manufactured for audio use.I use both in making diy Helix power cords, pretty complex cords, long thread here in reference to these cable. Also recipes for IC ... 
older CD transport vs newer ones.
I had Mark Levinson No.37 back in the day, used Phillips Pro transport, laser mech. Best CD transport ever owned, sad day when died, no subsequent transport came close. Gave up on cd plays, exclusive streaming today. 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Claimants of snake oil are disingenuous at best. Those not using those $3 aluminum conductor tin plated connector cables and using copper and gold plated connectors are already admitting to metallurgical differences. The next implicating statement... 
Anybody own a component that sounds better with the cover off?
Years ago running Perpetual Technologies dac, Two very small enclosures around chassis, much better sq without enclosures. Haven't heard this with subsequent equipment. 
I used Duelund  JDM-AG bypass on Jupiter VT in my crossovers to good effect. Affected all freq. a little more insight, like lowering noise floor.