
Responses from sns

Klipsch Forte ii too bright, or is it my room ?
Individuals may have different capacity for what they perceive as brightness. For sure OP running wrong amp in wrong room, tube amp and some room treatments a good start if keeping Klipsch.I have 1989 Klipschorns, had to redo the whole thing, but ... 
Prior to burn in, I generally hear what I'd describe as an uptight sound, lack of transparency, also, excessive attack , attenuated decay. I'm not going to generalize about tonality, timbre. For sure you'll know when they reach burned in state, of... 
Critical listening and altered states
How about if I hire a robot for the objective listening, it will disabuse me of  my emotional connection, aka delusional pleasures of connecting with the music. Millercarbon reminded me the machine/robot doesn't hear. In that case I have to do the... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
That's why I've not purchased a robot.  
FYI RE: FedEx Delivery Signature Update (new signature policy)
What I'm talking about is the ISR. 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
The human hears differently than the machine. but then I could get a robot to listen for me and report on sound.  
FYI RE: FedEx Delivery Signature Update (new signature policy)
If I understand the new policy correctly, no more  on line signature decline and recipient acceptance of package loss. Looks like Fedex didn't want to deal with hassles of recipients who took this avenue, lost their package and blamed Fedex. 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
Off topic posts here replicate the all too common general off topic meandering of most human conversation. At least with social media you don't get the interruption and finishing of your own sentences with someone else's thoughts. 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
I've seen arguments about cables since Monster introduced the first so called 'audiophile' cables. These arguments will likely go on until there is some kind of agreed upon evaluation of the efficacy of cables and/or any particular cable. In that ... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
So much for scientific rigor. My last post's questions as to cable naysayers cable purchasing decisions was not meant to be rhetorical. So it seems the objectivist cable purchases are actually subjective choices, based on whatever? They don't in f... 
Contact Dennis Had?
Based on above responses seems Dennis has tired of high involvement with audio. His new Inspire line is low key, sort of cottage industry product. He obviously sold his baby, Cary in order to get away from all the hassles involved with high end au... 
Channel Imbalance Mystery
May be tube related or not. It may also be a recording issue, I hear many early stereo and some mono recordings have left of center bias. Sometimes this is intended bias created by engineers/producers, other times poor remastering and or duplicati... 
What process do you use to purchase cables?
You need to finalize your amp purchase first. Listen with present cables, determine what you don't like as to sound quality, purchase new cable based on that knowledge. Cables are final purchase when building system. 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
Beauty in eye of beholder. I recall a thread somewhere here where someone claims they can or could have these plinths made from scratch for pennies on the dollar compared to OM.  
Upgraded from Parasound Halo Integrated to Modwright KWA 100 SE
I'll add vote of confidence for Modwright products.