
Responses from sns

Optimum config for Lumin u1 MIni
Connect direct to SF, the jitter reduction topology in Assemblage is obsolete and the upsampling is doing nothing for you. In this case less is more.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@blang I saw that ad in USaudiomart as well, thought it may have been a dealer demo, seems I was incorrect. Apos audio used to carry 005, where I purchased mine, don't know why they discontinued carrying it.   Some report up to 400 hours, I didn... 
Eva Cassiday Blew Me Away with her cover of Wayfaring Stranger....
Eva Cassidy is great, and recording quality of all her stuff wonderful!. You should also check out Patricia Barber, I sort of always equate the two, wonderful music, perhaps a bit more on jazz side of things, again just simply great recording qual... 
Digital Audio Output Differences? Is USB Audio Really The Top-notch?
Since most dacs optimized for usb these days, likely best output for streamer. However, one could have that rare dac in which usb not optimized in which case I2S could be preferred. The problem with I2S is no pin and/or connector standardization.  
Question about sound stage
@wtb Hilarious, I made the same mistake some years ago with my Coincident pre, has dual volume knobs and very faint impressions on knob. One segment lower on one channel, drove me nuts for several listening sessions!  
Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping
This is result of inrush current, I had the same issue with my Coincident 845 SET amp and former Cary push pull. I went up a couple values both times, no more failures. My take is as long as fuses are blowing they are doing job intended to do.   ... 
Changes in DAC Presentation - Need Advice
No, I was previously running two TPLink FMC, both with lps going to SOTM SMS200 streamer/roon endpoint. The opticalrendu replaced both last Tplink and sotm, powering with Uptone JS2.   Your issue is wifi, you have to do hard wiring for any HQPla... 
Help me out with streaming...
+Sonic79. Another thing you can do is bridge the thunderbolt out on mini as ethernet out, this link explains exactly how to do it, big upgrade! 
Changes in DAC Presentation - Need Advice
Yes, the opticalrendu is wonderful network upgrade, recently upgraded from TPLink FMC to opticalrendu, plays on much higher plane.   As for Macmini. I've used three different macminis over the years, never had a single glitch with Roon. These th... 
ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters vs Fiber Optic Cable
I'd also add, one should read John Swenson's papers on network optimization, John is perhaps preeminent audio network engineer.  
ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters vs Fiber Optic Cable
Optical is the only hundred percent isolation solution. Now its been reported on another thread Innuos claims optical conversion generates noise that makes it inferior to ethernet. I find that highly doubtful, based on both my experience and many ... 
AKM makes the best DACs
@milpai You have made some unwarranted comments in regard to myself. I in fact stated in that thread a desire for more comparative reviews of 005 dac. I also stated I was seeking less favorable perspectives on particular aspects of said dac perfo... 
The worst sentence in audio writing
If its true one must be giving up something for gains in resolution I don't understand the entire pursuit of  higher sound reproduction. I've not heard what I'm giving up!  
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?
Well, lets go in to the nitty gritty. 
Digital Upgrade Recommendations
Going optical post server is optimum way to go. Read John Swenson's papers, thoughts on streaming in general. @yyzsantabarbara  pointed to one thread. Here's another about everything under the sun.