Responses from snofun3
Speaker Cables ^^^^^Exactly.Same endless question, same predictable answers. | |
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced? "I'm wondering if there is a formula that speaker manufacturers generally use when designing/pricing their products."You mean like - -whatever the market will bear, like every other industry. | |
does power cord length matter? fact or myth? Absolutely - HUDGE difference.Cutting it will (at best) provide half the performance O.M.G.Who would do this - O.M.G.Short answer - if you'll drink the whole power cord kool-aid, then, no doubt you'll buy into this one. | |
acoustic ceilings has treatments for ceiling | |
power cable length importance "LAST METER COUNTS MOST. WHY, I HAVE NO IDEA!"Nor does anyone else, nor could anyone replicate with AB testing. The world is flat too you know..... | |
power cable length importance O.M.G. Power cord length? REALLY?Puleese. | |
Sterio vs. Surround? Not necessarily. Understand that anything not 2 channel is automatically assumed to be junk here. | |
will different lengths affect sound Rrog - trying to throw some ca-ca into the discussion.So what that no one knew the system. All these self-professed golden ears should certainly been able to tell if something was amiss, but they couldn't.Next trial - power cords...... | |
Great Organists in Rock Rick Wakeman of Yes (and, of course) Rick Wakeman fame. | |
What are your top 5 RB CDs For SQ - Rock Music Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing always makes this list | |
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig Funny - the ones saying not to rely on faceless internet posters are usually the serial posters having to comment in every thread.Funny | |
Can I take American equipment to Europe? That gizmo would be a voltage converter. $9.99 at Walmart.Probably there's an audiophile voltage converter that will cost 10 x as much, and do exactly the same.there will be no difference in sound, but no doubt someone will come up with some reaso... | |
AV Receiver Used/New Recommendation "Price, quality, reliability and ease of use are key."Umm, what else is there? | |
John Fahey "America" I'm sure you could take out "The Edge" at #24 to move him up a notch and no one would mind. | |
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock "there's allot of bad stuff out but some is very good if you have a open mind and hungry ear".Your ear would have to be somewhere beyond famished to find much worthwhile. |