
Responses from snofun3

Speaker Cables
^^^^^Exactly.Same endless question, same predictable answers. 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
"I'm wondering if there is a formula that speaker manufacturers generally use when designing/pricing their products."You mean like - -whatever the market will bear, like every other industry. 
does power cord length matter? fact or myth?
Absolutely - HUDGE difference.Cutting it will (at best) provide half the performance O.M.G.Who would do this - O.M.G.Short answer - if you'll drink the whole power cord kool-aid, then, no doubt you'll buy into this one. 
acoustic ceilings has treatments for ceiling 
power cable length importance
"LAST METER COUNTS MOST. WHY, I HAVE NO IDEA!"Nor does anyone else, nor could anyone replicate with AB testing. The world is flat too you know..... 
power cable length importance
O.M.G. Power cord length? REALLY?Puleese. 
Sterio vs. Surround?
Not necessarily. Understand that anything not 2 channel is automatically assumed to be junk here. 
will different lengths affect sound
Rrog - trying to throw some ca-ca into the discussion.So what that no one knew the system. All these self-professed golden ears should certainly been able to tell if something was amiss, but they couldn't.Next trial - power cords...... 
Great Organists in Rock
Rick Wakeman of Yes (and, of course) Rick Wakeman fame. 
What are your top 5 RB CDs For SQ - Rock Music
Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing always makes this list 
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig
Funny - the ones saying not to rely on faceless internet posters are usually the serial posters having to comment in every thread.Funny 
Can I take American equipment to Europe?
That gizmo would be a voltage converter. $9.99 at Walmart.Probably there's an audiophile voltage converter that will cost 10 x as much, and do exactly the same.there will be no difference in sound, but no doubt someone will come up with some reaso... 
AV Receiver Used/New Recommendation
"Price, quality, reliability and ease of use are key."Umm, what else is there? 
John Fahey "America"
I'm sure you could take out "The Edge" at #24 to move him up a notch and no one would mind. 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
"there's allot of bad stuff out but some is very good if you have a open mind and hungry ear".Your ear would have to be somewhere beyond famished to find much worthwhile.