
Responses from snofun3

upscale audio is this legal?
Yeah Rsf507 - Exactly what in Upscale's response would make you make such statements?He makes reasonable statements and tries to deal with the situation rationally versus the OP who comes up with different stories to fit his needs.Where do these p... 
upscale audio is this legal?
You again continue to disparage Upscale with incomprehensible writing, nonsense arguments and innuendo, and should be quite embarrassed regarding your actions.I haven't dealt with Upscale but everything I've ever seen or heard has been positive. Y... 
upscale audio is this legal?
Methinks 52tiger is a slimeball. 
what would you do?
Usually the over-active moderators stop even legitimate activity.Time to make 52tiger go away. Seems like troll and scam artist. 
upscale audio is this legal?
C'mon man, three threads on the same subject, and this one's story is completely different than "What would you do?"If you want to trash Upscale Audio that's up to you, but one post should be fine. BTW, I've never dealt with them, but many say the... 
what would you do?
Why did it take you a year and a half to figure out the purchase was wrong, and why come on pinging a dealer without asking him first? 
Adding Tone Controls?
Or the folks at AR, CJ and Krell know about hacks who drink deeply of the Kool-Aid and would NEVER use tone controls or an EQ, but futze with cables and IC's to modify the sound. Roll eyes..... 
How big of a difference do amps make?
Almost as big a difference as Pangea powercords 
High End Hi-Fi like Drugs
Maybe you could invest in a paragraph of two so your post would be readable. 
Great Rock Tracks With Piano?
Garth Hudson in The Band's Last Waltz 
AC Outlets
^^^ "high end outlet plate covers" Why of course - no doubt your PRAT will be noticably affected! 
AC Outlets
Peter - throwing basic intelligence into an outlet thread will go you nowhere! (but it is refreshing) 
How can most ANY cable manufacturer justify the price? 
A Great US Company
Concur on Comcast. I will NEVER, EVER have them again. Lied about the $200 rebate I was supposed to get (took it to their CEO level and got a token back), then when house was rented to a graduate MS nerd and we couldn't get internet, they said eve... 
A Great US Company
Backcountry.comSteepandcheap.comSierratrading post.comSpectacular customer service.