

Responses from snilf

To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question
Thanks, everyone. Lots of well-informed advice here. I know what I have to do. 
To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question
It seems more than a little frivolous to write about this, given what's unfolding in our nation's capitol at the moment. But...Thanks to several of my favorite regular voices on this forum--especially Eric, from whom I've learned a lot, and Chuck ... 
Does Age Matter?
I choose the recording or performance, but I don't stream. So, if the recording or performance I want to hear is on vinyl, I play that; if on CD, then I play that; if SACD, then that; sometimes I even put on an old cassette of something I don't ha... 
external DAC with SACD
Thank you, twoleftears and pmotz. The Marantz's own DAC will just have to do for SACDs. Talk about a first world problem! I don't have so many SACDs, anyway. I was just curious how'd they sound through that sweet PS Audio DAC, and hoped there was ... 
For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.
I'm partial to my Scientific Fidelity "Tesla" speakers, and love their sound even more than their great looks. Corey Greenberg in Stereophile basically killed the company with a bad review. But Stereophile raves about others I've had in my listeni... 
What Audio Religion have you converted others to successfully?
Erik,Making babies isn't going to help--at least, not if you mean the literal kind. How many of us have children who are also audiophiles?Still, I've found this a really interesting thread, despite some of the nay-sayers, so thanks. Perhaps it ill... 
How can music be sad?
Anton99,I'm not sure I understand all you've written here. Perhaps we might continue this discussion privately.But I will say this: I'm not trying to "relativize" anything, unless by "relativize" you mean only that experience is relative to the ex... 
How can music be sad?
sfar,Regarding tone of voice--are you really sure you can read tone of voice accurately? Probably you can with people you know well, even on the phone. But with people you don't know, or especially with people whose native language is different fr... 
How can music be sad?
Anton99,Interesting point(s). I don't want to suggest that there aren't "universal" dimensions to music--or, for that matter, to sound more generally (thus, to include other animals, and perhaps also plants, as responsive to some of the same audit... 
How can music be sad?
The "music of the spheres" was probably meant as a mathematical idea, having to do with the ratios of planetary orbits. Plato thought that such massive objects moving rapidly through space must make a sound--but that sound would have been determin... 
How can music be sad?
sfar,A profound question! Many composers and great musicians did NOT think music expresses emotion at all. Toscanini, asked by a journalist if he found the first movement of Beethoven's "Eroicia" symphony "heroic," replied testily: "Heroic my ass!... 
Tea For The Tillerman2
As for old guys who can still kill it--or who could until very recently--my vote goes to Leonard Cohen. His early stuff, full of sensuality (a white/Jewish Barry White!), seems a bit leering now, but the last three albums, which marshal that deep ... 
Think fast: What would you take?
First, to the OP: you have our sympathies, no matter what our politics may be. We all hope you, and your fellow Oregonians, make it through this terrible year alive and intact.I live on the Central Coast of California, on a mountaintop in a grove ... 
the sound of massed violins in classical orchestral recordings
Very interesting thread. And I have to agree: massed violins, for whatever reason (millercarbon and frogman have offered possible explanations) are very hard to reproduce. I play cello, and my daughter plays violin, so I've had plenty of experienc... 
Is imaging reality?
Sorry for the long post, but I have one more reflection to add. Besides my wife's love of attending live concerts (with eyes closed) and her dislike of listening at home to recordings, we have a close family friend who founded a youth orchestra in...