

Responses from snilf

The Absurdity of it All
It never ceases to puzzle me how combative so many who post to this site are. The OP, it seems to me, was making a simple point: the "improvements" supposedly attributable to different cables, cable risers, etc. etc., are extremely subtle if they ... 
Too much Yo-Yo Ma?
Don't know what the OP meant by describing Ma's sound as "thick and immutable." "Thick" means something to me in the context of a cellist's tone, although I wouldn't use the word to describe Ma. But "immutable"? Ma's sound is "unchangeable," "fixe... 
Best skiinny floorstanders
How about the PSB Synchrony One? You can find them used for $2K or so. They were listed by Stereophile in 2012 as a starred “Class A [Restricted Extreme LF] Loudspeaker Recommended Component,” along with speakers costing up to $80,000... 
Question for those with “Golden ears”, and a frustration! (The Loudness Wars)
Sorry, but I can't resist. Anyone notice how many posts in this thread about Led Zep and the Loudness Wars overuse exclamation points? And ALL CAPS? And even loud emojis? Gotta love it. 
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound
Thank you, russ69, for posting this provocative and essential question. For a long time, I've shared the dogma of "the absolute sound": that the goal of a fine audio system is to recreate the aural experience of a live (acoustic) concert. Perhaps ... 
SQ vs. Music
Thank you rvpiano (have you a piano in an rv?!) for this question. It goes to the heart of what we're all about on this site, and in our "hobby."I've currently had some problems with one of my components (30+ year old speakers that I've long loved... 
To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question
All right, one final word, at least from me. And please: I promise I'm not trolling. I just got off the phone with the electrical engineer who repairs audio equipment in my community. I've worked with him for decades; he used to be the head of the... 
To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question
Thanks, everyone. Lots of well-informed advice here. I know what I have to do. 
To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question
It seems more than a little frivolous to write about this, given what's unfolding in our nation's capitol at the moment. But...Thanks to several of my favorite regular voices on this forum--especially Eric, from whom I've learned a lot, and Chuck ... 
Does Age Matter?
I choose the recording or performance, but I don't stream. So, if the recording or performance I want to hear is on vinyl, I play that; if on CD, then I play that; if SACD, then that; sometimes I even put on an old cassette of something I don't ha... 
external DAC with SACD
Thank you, twoleftears and pmotz. The Marantz's own DAC will just have to do for SACDs. Talk about a first world problem! I don't have so many SACDs, anyway. I was just curious how'd they sound through that sweet PS Audio DAC, and hoped there was ... 
For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.
I'm partial to my Scientific Fidelity "Tesla" speakers, and love their sound even more than their great looks. Corey Greenberg in Stereophile basically killed the company with a bad review. But Stereophile raves about others I've had in my listeni... 
What Audio Religion have you converted others to successfully?
Erik,Making babies isn't going to help--at least, not if you mean the literal kind. How many of us have children who are also audiophiles?Still, I've found this a really interesting thread, despite some of the nay-sayers, so thanks. Perhaps it ill... 
How can music be sad?
Anton99,I'm not sure I understand all you've written here. Perhaps we might continue this discussion privately.But I will say this: I'm not trying to "relativize" anything, unless by "relativize" you mean only that experience is relative to the ex... 
How can music be sad?
sfar,Regarding tone of voice--are you really sure you can read tone of voice accurately? Probably you can with people you know well, even on the phone. But with people you don't know, or especially with people whose native language is different fr...