
Responses from smandlej

Musical Fidelity
I had a complete system of A308cr products, CD Player, Pre-amp and the Power Amp. Good value when new and good second hand values when sold, in particular the power amp. Musical Fidelity were renowned for the quality of their power amps and the A3... 
Solid state amp to go with tube preamp; used ok; budget: $3k max
I use a Chord SPM 1050 Mk1 available second-hand for about £2K in the UK as people upgrade to the new Ultra range. Mk 2's are more expensive. Chord amplification is used by the Royal Opera House in London and by a very famous group (Pink Floyd ?),... 
The Most Digital Recording You Ever Heard
Ry Cooder - Bop Till You Drop - well never mind !! 
Adding a Turntable Mat
Turntables of this era came with a ribbed rubber mat that does not support the record over the entire playing area. Ken Kessler of Hi-Fi News has been experimenting with mats and weights that fit over the spindle, in recent issues. These are all r... 
How important is the pre-amp?
I have the Townshend Allegri Reference (upgraded from the "standard" Allegri). This was well reviewed by Martin Colloms of Hi-Fi Critic and Raphael Todes of Allegri String Quartet fame, the latter uses the Bartok and found the Reference worked far... 
Owning the speakers you dreamed of 20 years ago
My Monitor Audio Studio 50's were 20 years old last February !!!, now used with Townshend Super Tweeters and resting on Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums. Ideal for my small listening room, really pleased with the sound. 
Still happily using vintage gear?
The three eldest pieces of kit in my current system are: Michell Gyro Dec - circa 1992 (modified to Orbe platter/DC motor in 1997/05)Audiolab 8000PPA phono stage - circa 1996Monitor Audio Studio 50's speakers - circa 2000the rest of my system is f... 
100W+ solid-state amps known for beautiful mids
Chord Electronics SPM 1050 or 1200C (both in MkII versions) - Chord provide amplification to the Royal Opera House, Convent Garden - not heard the new "Ultra" series but, many on the second-hand market as Chord fans upgrade to "Ultra". Should work... 
Cartridge leads?
Then again perhaps not - my Koetsu cartridge pins are plain and unadorned. See MC's comments above. 
Sopra 2 Bass
My advice is to wait while your new system beds in. For new speakers experienced hi-fi reviewers use to place speakers baffle to baffle and run a cd player on repeat play for 48 hours before commencing serious auditioning. My new pre-amp took two ... 
What are the current useless terms in this "audio world"
I too am wary of terms like "reference" and phrases such as "state of the art", but when used by an experienced reviewer, who I have followed over the years and who subsequently purchases the item for use in his/her review system, this certainly c... 
New speakers dilemma for vinyls... Heeelp! :)))
I would add Proac to your audition list or perhaps Monitor Audio Gold's/Platinum. Proac demos at hi-fi shows have always been impressive, and I have owned both brands over the years. Then there is KEF, I have had these too !! 
Vintage vs New
Some while back I reclaimed my mid- 80's Proac Studio 2's from extended loan to my parents. Put them back in my current system whilst listing them on eBay. They sounded stunning. You can't replicate the build quality of the cabinets (for the modes... 
Measuring VTF with electronic gauge....
I use a cheap "battered" old LP bought for virtually nothing from a charity shop. Cleaned it up of course and never played, but used solely as a set up LP for when my cartridge has been retipped. Then I use my ears !!! 
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
Having a relatively small listening room I decided against upgrading my existing speakers as upgrade meant buying something even bigger !! So bought myself a set of supertweeters some time ago and recently the podiums - I'm on my way to a one make...