
Responses from slikric3000

Looking for good quality vintage speakers
Old Infinity Q series of the late '70's can compete with some of todays. Excellent dynamics too. I remember they were very affordable back then, they had the Emit tweeters. 
"Best" of the "Universal" players ???.
I'll vote for my Pioneer DV AX10, good luck at finding one here they usually are sold in minutes. I was lucky to get one. Otherwise I dunno what I would do. Check the stereophile review. 
Speakers for Modest Tube System
Vintage you say ??? A pair of Pioneer CS series w/ at least "12 woofer. The cabinets are of great style and they sound very nice for the era they were made in, efficient too. And lemme tell ya they can get loud. I remember my unc have a pair with ... 
Pioneer RT-707 reel to reel decks
Get a 10.5 rtr, next thing better than to look at it as decor is to watch two big M's on 10.5 going round. It's a beautiful thing. I first bought a seven incher but quickly found it not very manly, a big 10 inch fixed everything. 
Blank cassettes....
Ebay has metal tapes galore. 
Can't download Foobar.
WMP is surley not your problem.1. Is your connection slow, like dial up slow, if so could be the problem.2. Do you use a download manager, if not right click and choose save target as. And if you use a download manager make sure it is running.3. S... 
About Shipping Air Cargo
Look in the yellow pages under freight forwarder and you can ship under their account and they most likely pickup at your door if they have box trucks. I am a freight hauler. Some of these guys here think and talk like they know a whole bunch abou... 
Anyone know how to get ahold of Harman Kardon?
Thats weird, must be your computer thats dead 
External CD burner?
Ya, with an external usually the lens is in the tray when you open it making for easy lens cleaning. 
What happened to the AM/FM tuner???
I had a NAD S400 that was way decent. 
How much money on speaker cable?
If you like fashionable cables look at VooDoo Cable, they look like they have some nice products. If it was not for the economy slump affecting my income I would switch from my Cardas Neutral Reference. Like a woman, my system has to look as good ... 
Easy to drive large speakers for Rock & Roll? 
Motley Crue New Studio Album, Opinions?
No offense but I was living a freestyle life in that era and music was not a priority. 
Best used CD player around $1500?
I love my Pioneer DV AX10 @$750. 
Motley Crue New Studio Album, Opinions?
Did they ever make any music worth listening to, I have heard of them.