
Responses from slikric3000

Help -- need Idiot's Guide to music server system
Although I have seen audiophile motherboards, even one that was tube based. 
Help -- need Idiot's Guide to music server system
I put together a computer with some old parts laying around, got it up and running and ripped a couple cd's in wav lessloss, run it out of the coax to a pre/pro. God what a horrid sound. My $.02 if your thinking about this route. 
My speakers don't "dissapear"
What is your address, I'll make them disappear. 
I don't have that problem. 
Great Jack Bruce Albums,which ones?
Jack Bruce Band live. 2 cd. 
Widespread Panic on Austin City Limits...
Oh, and WTTS fm from Bloomington,IN. too. They broadcast to Indy. They recieved heavy rotation. 
Widespread Panic on Austin City Limits...
No, but when I lived in Indy ( 84-95 )they were one of the staples of WFBQ fm. 
Food: What does the typical audiophile eat?
I eat whatever a woman puts in front of me usually, wink wink. 
Roy Orbison
Ok, I bought a copy to see for myself. 
CBS News does a segment on LPs
I did not know that it went away, huh ??? Thats weird. I think the media is doing some brainwashing or whayever you might call it. 
For all you Lounge Lizards
I put the names of a few bands or "artists" in the box like Throttlerod, Sick Phyllis, Bitch Head, Chickenleg, nothing came up. 
Dubbing FM onto tape....
Your 3 head monster might be fine and dandy but will it make cd copies, in other words will it record a cd onto tape and sound exactly like the cd, mine does. That is the secret. 
Impedance question
A measurement (in Ohms) of how much an electrical circuit pushes back when it's pushed. 
I believe I spotted in
I spotted a Teac A-3340S reel to reel in the Starsky and Hutch movie I watched a few weeks ago. 
How can I improve my CD sound?
Radio stations have a bigger budget to spend on audio reproduction than you do is probably the answer. Independent and college stations can sound even better.