
Responses from slappy

Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
Man this system is gonna be sweet!Where the hell is Ellery911? he would enjoy this one. Thinking of Ellery, looks like he is gonna make it down here for the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I better get crackin on finding some Cute Psycho-Twins, some Pu... 
Side speakers?
Yeah, i hear yaWhen 5.1 came out, it was a good thing. now everying is trying to expand it and have the latest and greatest, when in all reality they just make it more confusing. one of the many reasons i stick with 5.1 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
Maybe i can mount couple hot psycho chicks in some chinese-love swings over the subwoofers with a monitor strapped to thier chest, with a pair of wolverines beneath the subwoofers. I can top it off by using those Amplifier shoes in that other thre... 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
RX8 i have thought about that, but i was never sure if it would be a good idea or not. There are vaulted ceilings in my room that are about 10 feet above where the left speaker will be and about 16 feet above the right speakers location. i guess t... 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
Yeah, next time i will be sure to arrive in full hockey goalie gear with a baseball bat and a can of mace! (laugh) 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
Damn tom, that is one hell of an answer! So, in a short-assed version it wouldnt work, thanks for the alternate suggestion, ill have to look into these Audiopoints.Audiobugged, She sure seemed human untill she go me home. ;) 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
That is definatly a thing to consider. They might have been stupid when i met em. Unfortunatly i dont seem to attract the "Sane" variety very often. When i came to work yesterday people thought i had gotten thrown in a sack with a pack of angry wo... 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
Audiobugged, I like the way you think! ;)Actually, ive been looking into some sort of a repellant. Probably due to some anomaly in the universe, girls get stupid over me pretty easily. You sure wouldnt think so if you met me though! I guess i have... 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
I had thought of the straddle myself, but i figured the weight in the center with the outstretched legs wouldnt be the best way to do it. Maybe i will just get David Blane to come by my house and levitate my speakers in the air. 
What speakers are these?
By the name Gilbert Yeung, i will assume he is a guy?Why is he playing with Pumps and Purses? Why not make an amplifer out of a beer can? or a whiskey flask? or a DesertEagle 5.0? kinda fruity. 
Side speakers?
naaa,,. by 6th channel i mean surround-rear channel, for 6.1 surround.the .1 is the LFE. and the 6th is a track for rear effects. Ill agree, this stuff is all poorly explained. Im pretty sure DTS can do 6.1 surround with descrete signals to all 6 ... 
Side speakers?
Eldartford, the rear surround can be discrete in DTS i believe. The Rear-right/rear-left setup uses the discrete 6th channel and feeds it to each rear, at the same time depending on track it will matrix the surround left with the surround rear and... 
What speakers are these?
Ellery... That pic is a joke right? Some sick bastard did not actually make amplifiers out of shoes right? 
Hardwoodfloors and Spikes
Just put something beneath it. Some people use Nickles, some people might put the speaker on a slab of granite with felt beneath to protect the floor, and then some spikes come with small trays that sit below the spike to keep it from damaging the... 
Side speakers?
In a 5.1 the sound will go to the designated "Surround" speakers while the rears will remain silent. Not sure what you are refferring to as "Side" Speakers, even in 7.1 systems you have the left, center, right, surround right, surround left, rear ...