

Responses from skoczylas

Hi Resolution download - question on authencity of the files
Correct - the downloaded high res files are very etched sounding and hard to listen to. also they seem to lack bass. i purchased them all from known online companies. I use macbook - audirvanna - a rega dac and also a halide hd dac, to hegel h200 ... 
Hi Resolution download - question on authencity of the files
I have purchased about 15 high res from hdtraks. I frankly do not like any of them and a few compare unfavorably to my ripped files from cd - for example, two rem albums. it could be me or my system but thats my experience.  
Tekton 1812 ?
Eric makes great speakers. I would like to hear feedback as well on these. However, aims of this design dont really appeal to me. I dont want a club or rock concert in my living room as much as I love those experiences. For me a pair of Harbeths a... 
Bob Weir "Blue Mountain"
thanks for the rec. i like posts about goid music to check out. one question - by album you meant you bought the vinyl or another format?  
Building second system around Harbeth P3 esr
just reading the headline i was going to say croft too. great match. others that would go well are the vinnie rossi lio, and hegel is great but no phono stage.  
Vocals and upper midrange too forward?
In general I agree with Marty - this is one reason I dont like a lot of "high end" speakers and prefer classics like harbeth. Bigger issue is if you dont love them now - and its clear you do not -  its unlikely tweaking will help. You might end up... 
Top Five rock Bass players
mark anthony of van halen. the story goes eddie told him "put your finger on this fret, then keep playing eight notes. we'll give you a wink when the song ends."  
DSD vs. PCM vs. MQA - Group listening experiment
this is a great topic. i hope many contribute.  
Shopping for an integrated, advice s'il vous plait.
lots of good ideas. i second the croft idea. outstanding sound very good hand built amp. in head to head listening tests it beats many higher priced integrateds. i didnt purchse it only because the sound is very close to my red wine amp.  
What Power Amp matches with the Rega Elex-R ?
very nice set up. I dont know your model of Tannoy but my experience with Tannoys is that they dont necessarily respond the way you might think to more power like other speakers. They can change for the worse at times. moreover, an issue with uppe... 
Type of flooring in a listening room?
Laminate floor is not expensive, it's easy to install and it can give a room a good look for the cost. But the sound to me is terrible - even everyday sounds like walking, dropping a pen, and watching tv. It has a strange artificial resonance whic... 
Bel Canto C7r vs Parasound Halo Integrated
I haven't heard these two in a head to head, just separately, so it's hard for me to say but I haven't found the bel canto sound to my liking after trying it in four speakers but did like the parasound each time I heard it. I did hear the bel 7 ag... 
Moving From USA Overseas... Looking For Advice re: Electrical Service and Gear
I live abroad as well and greatly appreciate the topic and al's advice. I have used a Chinese step down converter to a monster surge protector to my amp for six years without a problem. The advice on grounding is good - I'm not grounded in my curr... 
Plinius Hautonga or Hegel H360?
I spent about three hours listening to both models in a showroom with harbeth, vintage tannoy and spendor speakers. I found the plinius had etched highs that I couldn't fix. Could have been the room, the wires, my source material or the Dac but th... 
Best preamp combination with Hegel H30?
I'm jealous the h30 looks amazing. My only small piece of advice is to try to get something that works well with balanced xlr connections because the hegels all seem to do best with those inputs rather than rca.