Responses from sirspeedy
2008 RMAF – – – all things analog. Dan,why the angst? Be happy!! You've got some great "working" equip,and warm weather to look forward to. Maybe your friend Doug,will bring you back a nice Lamm T-shirt.It should look nice in the sun. My close friend is going for the second straigh... | |
Exchange Rate Positively Affecting Caliburn Price? Downunder,with regards to your "amazement" regarding my still being "down"....Some day I'll spill the whole story to you,off-line.It's amazing I have any enthusiasm,still. Just kidding about the vino,but do love the stuff.Yes,the 16 dollar stuff(i... | |
Exchange Rate Positively Affecting Caliburn Price? Downunder,NOT to worry!!! If I don't get my pre/phonostage back soon(it's been promised to me,over the last month,like three times)I might just send you my "new" Phantom Series II arm-tube,for free! Unless your "dealer friend" thinks it might not ... | |
Anti-skate Hmm,is there any wonder why a good LTT arm sounds so good? Anti-skate issues? Nope! Inner groove distortions? Nope! Mnay folks going to the lengths to have/experience this kind of music presentation(yeah,it "presents" music a good deal differently... | |
Anti-skate Darn Larryi,your a pretty smart guy!! -:) | |
Has anyone heard the Kuzma 4 Point arm? Downunder makes a good point,but the fact is the 4 Point is a very unique design.I can understand a reviewer explaining his admiration without going down a list of "this does that better". Also,with the reputation Kuzma has garnished,it is not a b... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Here's something I like about what I'm able to take away from a thread like this(and of course thanks Raul,for such passion)....It's NOT only about MM cartridges...there's more. First off,NO,I am not personally going to change any current componen... | |
Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads? Funny you mention the CJ 275,because my dear friend has just gotten that amp.He has all CJ ART components,and a fully loaded VPI table/arm/Lyra Titan-i cartridge,but the speaker is different from those mentioned here. Thsy are highly modded Infini... | |
what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter Ihave been looking into the super tweet subject for awhile.I have no reason to add a pair,from any lack of audible performance,and my speaker is ruler flat to 25khz. Yet,I heard the Townshends on a pair of Sonus Extrems,and NO person can tell me i... | |
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik Well,I must admit these October 4th posts are really interesting!! Albert....this is "really" funny,because I had the sneaky suspicion it "was" your set-up Raul spoke of.No apparent reason,other than the geography. Thomas....I'm kina liking your ... | |
Furutech / Air Tight LP Flattener - do they work? I'm not so sure a "severely" dished or warped LP can be played effectively on "any" vacuum table!Especially when there is a wide chasm of vinyl thicknesses to be factored in,and some Lp's just have more pliability than others.Some are just NOT goi... | |
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik Raul,you don't owe an apology to anyone,IMO! You simply stated an observation,from what you heard.My only question(slight doubt) was I did not get the impression the particular set-up was "very" familiar to you.At least I don't think you mentioned... | |
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik Raul,I think you might come under fire at some point,regarding the PC-1 comments.... I myself have never heard the design,but there has been way too much good "word of mouth"(including some of my own friends)and excellent "press"(not always reliab... | |
Has anyone heard the Kuzma 4 Point arm? Thanks Thomas! I admit I was expecting you to chime in,with good information(btw,I gave Sid your message). I had hoped this thread would have had more "legs",because not often does a new and fully developed arm hit the streets.Especially with "thi... | |
reserve vta solves issue on zyx, triplaner FWIW, I "always" forget the slippers and remember Flannel PJ's!! It's cold in the Mile High City. Hope this helps -:) |