
Responses from sirspeedy

Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
I must agree holeheartedly with "Roypan",about attempting to mate a sub with a world class design like the Mini.The Mini,Imo,is simply way too fast for any sub. I had a Rel Stentor with a sealed high end Avalon design.It was obviously "no Mini"(no... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
Mili....You are smart to realize that it is the combination of amp/speaker(let's not forget the room)interface that determines success.....I have a sneakey suspicion that you are ultimately going to have a fabulous system. Aside from that,you coul... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
Btw,I should have mentioned that I am very familiar with that lovely looking(really gorgeous)and silken sounding Jadis JA-80. I have a friend who ran it on the mid/high sections of his Infinity RS-1B's.He wrote the Mercury LP series for TAS,and a ... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
I believe it would be common sense to assume that the easier the load a speaker places on it's partnering amp,the less distortion would be had.This would bode well for the V-2 I'd think. 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
Btw, EBM, As stated by cooler headed posters,it would be in both of our interests to drop this NOW!!!.....(Jtimothya,nice to see you still posting....and,sorry for "this" absurd thread,but I have good reason). I really don't want to persue this an... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
Er,um...I was unaware I was supposed to leave feedback for those folks who "bought from me".All got "exactly" what was advertised,and great stuff! EBM,give it a rest and be really happy I did not leave the feedback you surely deserved!I knew it wo... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
Trust me folks,it would not behoove EBM to "go there".He has already lost the respect of our entire friends group on the matter! I'll leave it at that,but my posts have a "damn good reason" behind them....Still,all in all I admit it does not belon... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
To the original Poster...Milimetr--- Back to the excellent Mini's or the V-2 for a moment... These are very fine speakers,but they are very sensitive/responsive to room placement(a good thing).I had a hand in setting up a Mini system,so I know it ... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
Roypan,thanks for your concern.Why am I not surprised? My post was,and "is" valid...and there is an aspect of it you know nothing about! My suggestion about the "Sason speaker" is quite valid.You,on the other hand spew distaste on a regular basis,... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
EBM,you and I both know you have never heard the Sason.You purchase products by cache "only".I knew you for years,and you "always" bought on reviews and reputation ONLY! Besides, if you are so happy,why are you adding a Rel woofer to the Mini?You ... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
You might want to take a look at the Ridge Street Audio "Sason" speaker.Just take look at the web page at least. This is a world class monitor that has some real advantages over the "fine" Magico.It is as well built,but has the significant advanta... 
Avalon Avatar vs. Avalon Eclipse
Well I am intimately familiar with the Eclipse,but not the Avatar...sorry! In any case the Eclipse is a fabulous speaker,with wide dynamic range and contrasts.It has superb resolution and can play very loud.Soundstage is superb.It does best with s... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
This is not an uncommon question on many "different" passion/hobby sites.Regarding virtually any expensive proposition. There is no short answer,and it almost always becomes an opinion piece/thread. Just yesterday this kind of question was asked o... 
VIP, SOTA & Oracle Turntables
The "three" mfgrs mentioned are ALL superb designs.It is really(as in "truly") going to be a stretch to do much better,IMO. What one wants,is a product that will spin a disc with as little of it's own personality as can be had.....and..... it's no... 
Vpi vs. TW Acustic
If SO,sorry for my defensiveness. Btw,I did check the test record we used at the time,on the Oracle(a table I no longer own,but "really" respect).The speaker measured down(cleanly)to 16 hz.That was reinforced by my little group of audio enthusiast...