
Responses from sirspeedy

walker proscenium
Raul,the first was "your" quote,and the second one was "my" quote.I totally understood your post. BTW,I'm just trying to spice things up,a bit,so don't take my posts too seriously.Just in good fun. So,back to the Walker...."Of course it is soley o... 
walker proscenium
Raul,"certainly not the most important one in the quality sound reproduction".....I understand your underplaying a "front end" of this quality based on your general comments,but you miss some of the aspects of this table/arm's performance specific... 
Is setting VTF on Graham Phantom fussy?
BTW,got to go with Audiofeil's input about tracking force. We find 1.97-1.99 to be almost "perfecto" in my friend's system.My own set-up is around 1.98 as of now,but obviously this number changes slightly. Last Friday we were at my friend Ed's hom... 
Is setting VTF on Graham Phantom fussy?
Gmorris,thanks and best to you(as always).My friend has the flat magnets.I believe he needs to contact his dealer,if he wants to rectify his situation.It's "his" arm,and he makes the decisions. Yet,the performance is truly fabulous,and he knows ho... 
Is setting VTF on Graham Phantom fussy?
Larryi,Bob mentioned that the newer arms have more powerful magnets.I don't think the Orpheus is fussy about VTF,anymore than other designs,but VTF IS a significant aspect of top flight performance.Even with my friend's adjustment hassles,the arm ... 
Is setting VTF on Graham Phantom fussy?
I just got off the phone with Bob Graham(super nice guy,btw).He indicated that my friend's arm has the old magnet system,and that this issue is non-existent with arms coming out in the last few months.It is really NO big deal,and I am totally sati... 
Is setting VTF on Graham Phantom fussy?
Thanks for the input.I think there may be a problem with the actual arm(in my friend's set-up).This has NOTHING to do with undoing the top-cap.If I so much as breathe on the arm,when altering the "back" adjustment for VTF,it shifts out of position... 
Magico mini 2 versus Magico mini 1
BTW,just a little update about my good friend's Mini version II's. Previously I jumped the gun,a bit,referring to the upper midrange as slightly lacking in air,although I loved the speaker.I must confess,"that" was with 170 hrs on the new speakers... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Just wanted to put in my two cents,after a long break.I now have very good experience with this design,in my own set-up.I hope I can put a little different spin on things,though it's still an enthusuastic review,of sorts.I believe I may have to "e... 
Cartridges & Sensitivity to VTF
Dre j,I have only gotten experience in this critical domain over the last eight to ten years.Having been in the hobby for 35 years,I'd say the first twenty or so,was my "know nothing" era. My last ten years have been spent with Tranny's.They are A... 
Cartridges & Sensitivity to VTF
The "overall" system has to be capable of resolving the "very subtle" aspects of some of the stuff found on the best pressings.It is NOT only the cartridge. Line noise,amongst other factors can cover up differences normally heard in the 1 to 2 hun... 
Pros and cons of the Magico Mini vs MBL 101E
Kusina,finally someone who feels,as I do,about the "way over-rated" MBL speakers. Of course everything I state is "soley" my personal opinion,but I have heard the MBL's on numerous occassions(at shows)And have never even remotely liked them.My pal... 
Magico mini 2 versus Magico mini 1
BTW,David....Some direct competitors would be Ridge Street Audio Sason,Dynaudio C1,JM Labs Micro Utopia,Sonus Faber Guarnieri Memento etc. I have heard the first version Sonus,and Dynaudio,as well as the JM Labs.NONE of them are as good as the Mag... 
I envy what you know, not what you have
A real compliment,to be mentioned in this company( I don't deserve this),and my own humility has been tested,and polished over time.I have definitely learned,and experimented from many subscribers here.My own personal approach to this forum is to ... 
Magico mini 2 versus Magico mini 1
I am referring to the MINI II,which EBM owns.He,previously had Kharma speakers(1.0)which had a very open and airy upper midrange,hence my nit-pick of the Minis,in this area.Basically,when playing the same reference discs we use for all occassions,...