
Responses from sirspeedy

zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
Hmm,HALCRO! Interesting post!! Here is why I would opt for Doug's thoughts,even though you seem to have a good arguement(in the best sense,btw)....Too many folks are WAY too happy!WAY to easily!!They SELDOM go beyond the "first" good sound setting... 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
For those who are truly into squeezing the abs most from any "really high res" set-up,I believe one's house lines must be scrutinized "way" more than previously thought!!Not general conditioning. There are those,here,who originally gave me the ide... 
Triplanar VII tonearm & Koetsu Jade Platinum cart.
FWIW,when I went through my ten year Koetsu period(owning a Black,Onyx,Onyx Platinum,and Urushi)I had two different SME-V arms.I must admit the arms seemed very good with these cartridges(to me). Good luck 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
Mariasplunge,you probably misunderstood my posting.I am awaiting a Graham Phantom arm,and have a Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge.I don't have a clue as to what a nanomount is!! I made mention of the new ZYX because I felt some folks here would l... 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
Doug,a VERY nice sentiment.Cannot wait to get my hands on it.Thanks and have a great holiday season....others too!! 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
Hmm,this concept of tracking force being a bit lower,if LP's are really clean "really" turns me on!Never even thought of "that one"!Damn good assumption,with the amazing sensitivities of the best MC's!!I LOVE it!!Makes total sense!!! Sadly I won't... 
BTW,I was recently at a friend who has the very latest TNT/new heavy platter/Titan-i/12.6 arm(soon to be a 12.7)."Magnificent" LP collection(most important of all,actually). I always scope out his stuff,as they are working,and did notice his belts... 
I don't own a VPI(disclaimer),but have numerous friends who have owned everything from 19.5 to the TNT(very latest),using arms from Immedia,Air Tangent,Graham,and different VPI's,with a host of different "super-cartridges".I am VERY familiar with ... 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
Comaris,you will,no doubt,get some extremely accurate feedback on this topic.There are quite a few experienced UNI owners here,who definitely know what this cartridge "likes",insofar as set-up.This exactitude can literaly "make" a system! A fabulo... 
Preferred Amps for Magico Mini II?
BTW,just to add some spice to these posts....Though I know how effective the Rowland 8t is on my friend's MINIS(you really could never tell this was a SS amp,until bass demands are needed,and then WOW)there are some excellent alternative amps out ... 
What are the treasures in your vinyl library?
For anyone wanting some fabulous,and almost tongue in cheek,early stereo era "classics",look for many of the COMMAND label discs.Especially Enoch Light series stuff.These discs were recorded by the Mercury LP team of Piros and Fine,with sound that... 
Preferred Amps for Magico Mini II?
My dear friend has recently gotten the Mini II's.Stunning speakers,and replaced Kharma 1.0's. He drives them to a fabulous degree with Rowland 8t SS amps.To voice the system,to his tastes,he uses tubes in the phonostage only. A wonderful set-up.I ... 
How isolated is your hi-fi?
Sorry,never mentioned that the tv is NOT in the dedicated audio room.Just the general living room.The music/audio room will always stay two channel! As to the high def content...I like watching sports and nature shows.Occassional dramas are fun to... 
How isolated is your hi-fi?
One thing I forgot to mention about my seperate dedicated room is the ability to listen LOUD at any hour of the night.I live deep in the "burbs",and have no neighbor issues either. The only problem,as of now,is I am getting a bit older,and those l... 
How isolated is your hi-fi?
Having a "purpose built" dedicated room,I can understand some sentiments on these threads.Yes,I definitely feel a bit isolated at times.There is something psychologically different about listening alone,having to walk to the end of my home,and bei...