
Responses from sirspeedy

"S" shaped tonearm ?
BTW Raul,I was being a bit sarcastic.Just in case you misinterpreted me,which seems to be the case. As to the subject of you mentioning,why should I "talk with people without hnow how on the subject",I am anxiously awaiting your arm design. Best r... 
"S" shaped tonearm ?
Raulwith all due respect I think you did not truly understand my point. Best 
Tri-Planar with no anti-skate?
Dan,OK I will. 
Tri-Planar with no anti-skate?
Hmm Doug,I do feel a bit sorry for you!Since you change vtf parameters so often(and it IS legit,if one wants to extract the absolute max from lp's,but it's a bit nutsy,in the best possible way-:)you REALLY missed the boat with Air Tangent's auto/r... 
"S" shaped tonearm ?
Dare I say it?....I think the earlier post by Audiofeil makes the most sense.The scientific theory,and overall arguement just seem to make the most sense to me. Based on personal usage,I could probably make a case for a "straight" arm linear track... 
Tri-Planar with no anti-skate?
I have a question.I really mean it to be proposed as such,and am in no way trying to undermine any previous thoughts. If we set(as I do)VTF...shouldn't antiskate be employeed,along with the VTF adjustment? Doesn't setting antiskate, seperately fro... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Phaelon,I should have said.."any music lover with a goodly amount of experience in this hobby".I have been at it 39 yrs,and most of my friends have been at it at least as long. None of us subscribe to any particular system/product topology.If it s... 
Is Quad ESL57 most amazing speaker of all time?
Sometimes something is just so enjoyable,that one simply forgets about "how" they should listen,and just "listen" for enjoyment......The ESL-57 fits the latter catagory. I DO remember my first experience with the ESL-57,it was sobering.I heard ,at... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
This conversation will be moot,in the not to distant future. Also,with all due respect,why would a Hi Fi reviewer have any better ability to tell whether a product(of any type)is good,as compared to any other "music lover"? In the sports world,or ... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
I am late to this party,but want to give a simple opinion. Firstly, virtually all new technology gets "knocked" when first introduced.Nobody wants to give up their present stuff.I don't think any owners of Class D designs should get nervous,from s... 
Xv-1s competative carts mention in latest TAS
I think HP is a good bit behind the times,these days.Not that I can blame him,as he certainly has been at it a long time. Does it really matter what design he favors as of now? He is a masterful writer,and has had a great impact on this hobby,but ... 
"S" shaped tonearm ?
Being that my daughter never stops reminding me how old I am getting,I'll have to state that OLD is ALWAYS better!! -:) 
"S" shaped tonearm ?
I don't have nearly the technical knowledge of the vast majority posting here.Yet,I, truly, try to be as open minded as I can,especially on the subject of NOT rationalizing,to suit something I have or like.I still occassionally buckle in,and go fo... 
Magico mini 2 versus Magico mini 1
Nice to get such a fast post,Wslam.I do wonder whether you will "still" need the SUB once the Minis are broken in.My friend seems to have a room similar in size as you.The bass is incredibly deep and powerful.I mean really good!!!So good,in fact,t... 
Magico mini 2 versus Magico mini 1
Wslam,have loved your posts on the Minis on the Valin site. To put some perspective on this subject,I do not own Minis,but my dear friend does.I have helped set up the system,and voice it from day "one"."Day One" being the early 1970's. The newest...