

Responses from simao

Nervous and excited
Interesting. Outside of my very first audio components which I bought after listening to them at my awesome, local hi-end store, just about everything I've owned has been bought without hearing it. That's the adventure of hi-end audio - what sound... 
Nervous and excited
The Baby, while warm and open and cohesive, simply didn't have enough power for my speakers. I wanted more projection that 10 w/ch couldn't give on 90db monitors. No offense taken (I mean, we're talking audio components here, not cultural backgrou... 
audio research REF 150
As a long-time owner of the Ref 110, powering Maggie 3.6R's, the 150 should be plenty of power for just about anything. I loved the 110 - it was solid, bloomy, no-nonsense, and built like a tank. A beautiful piece of audio work. 
The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?
I forget who said "Something's worth whatever the buyer pays for it" (and I guess I could google it, but whatever), but it's completely true. If I found good ARC Vs-110 and I had funds, I'd simply click-on the "Buy Now" button without a second tho... 
The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?
Superbike,Apparently, yes. Because I wasn't willing to take 60% off the asking price, I had "ruined" audiogon for all those who wanted good stuff at far below market value. About ten years ago I sold off most of my first primary system as my divor... 
The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?
I recently got a low offer on an amp I'm selling. When I declined the offer as being too low, I was berated for being one of the reasons why audiogon is now ruined. good times! 
The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?
I think fixed price items tend to get way less offers then negotiable items. Plus, there's something fun about the act of the haggle. Truthfully, I look forward to haggling when I sell something. I remember a while ago I listed Rogue monoblocks an... 
2002 CD of Scandinavian bassist
Hmm. That may be it. And thanks for the Gordon reference; another awesome recording. 
What, if any, component to upgrade? Advice?
Loomis - i do have a good old ML Descent; unfortunately, the Sophia doesn't have a sub/pre-out. But good call on that one, though. Mik - thanks for the advice on the Rotel. I'd heard raves about it before I bought it and snapped one up when it cam... 
What, if any, component to upgrade? Advice?
Hi,In all honesty, I'm not going to invest in power conditioning or dedicated lines. I have my components on a Salamander rack, as I've always had, for the cd transport and a Mapleshade block for the amp. I truly appreciate the way-more-diverse-th... 
What, if any, component to upgrade? Advice?
Thanks for all the advice all. Some updates:1. I have vibration controls on both speaker and components in the form of mollytoes and pods.2. It looks as if a DAC is the first thing I'll invest in. Ironically, I had a Creek OBH-14 DAC for years. Wh... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
I found the perfect way about ten years ago: divorce. Allowed me to unload $25K worth of brilliant equipment in about three months. Now, ten years later, I can look at the merry go round, but I doubt I'd ever get back on it. 
Can I "double-wire" speakers?
The Sophia is billed as a pure amplifier, though it does have a volume control. However, it only has one set of inputs. SO I guess it's integrated inasmuch as it has an attenuator, but that's the only integrated feature it has. It has no pre-out o... 
Can I "double-wire" speakers?
It occurred to me not for the first time that much of my concern stems from the seduction of bass. The Tituses by themselves are wonderful, transparent speakers worthy of all the praise they received. Yet I set them up alongside the Velodyne in or... 
Can I "double-wire" speakers?
Gotcha. I'll remove the jumpers between the two sets of binding posts and see what happens. I haven't received the Sophia yet, but I suspect I won't get the same bass response as I do from the Onkyo with its Velodyne sub.Then again, this might all...