Responses from signaforce
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @audphile1 Thanks. As I understand it, pre output impedance should be at least 10x less than the Amps input impedance. The Coda’s published input impedance is 5x less XLR vs RCA at 10K ohms, so Coda XLR is tougher to match. However, the publishe... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @audphile1 @photon46 Thanks for your thoughts and recommendations. The BHK finally arrives tomorrow (hopefully), thanks to FedEx’s ineptness. I will wait to tube roll. The Siemens silver plate had been my favorite in my Rogue. Tele’s seem to be ... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp Thanks! Just received shipping confirmation. I’m excited with the direction I am going based upon the many recommendations. I plan to run streaming through it with my amp tuned off and with the stock tubes until broken in. Anyone have a recomme... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp OK, slight change in plans. The PSA BHK signature preamp is back in stock, so pulled the trigger on a black one last night. I know I need focus in other areas, but I could not pass on this deal. As I said in my opening It has excellent reviews, t... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp Thank you for all your thoughts and recommendations! Fortunately (or unfortunately) the BHK preamp is now sold out, so I can focus on other areas more in need on my system. I think the Coda #8 will be my next purchase. Will let you know when I pul... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @jayctoy Absolutely! She just said yesterday, “We need to spend more money. Can’t take it with us & kids certainly don’t need it,” (the kids are killing it). She went on to say this doesn’t apply to my stereo, but I see a definite opportunity. 😎 | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp Thanks! It seems the LTA microZOTL is a very good pre and has been recommended by several of you. 3 issues: 1. It is .2” too tall for my rack. 2. It doesn’t use my current (excellent) tube sets. 3. No remote on/off (this one I could live with… but... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp Looks like the amp first people are winning. My contenders are: Coda #8. Recommended by @audphile1 @mm1tt77 @zlone Great reviews, good price point and size. Talked to Doug today. He recommended starting with the V1 also. PS Audio BHK 250. Great ... | |
55” or 65” TV Screen Size and Your Speakers: Please Join Survey 75” at 10 feet for me with audio running 5.2.2, sitting on sectional recliner in bonus room. TV flanked with KEF R11’s. Went from 55-65-75” in that room over the 28 years. Somewhat space constrained for bigger. Picture in profile. 65” in family r... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @audphile1 Interesting you recommend the v1. KEF recommends at least 60% of 300w for the R11’s… so at least 180w. In talking to their support, they wanted 200w. Is there some advantage to the V1? | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @audphile1 Thank you for your recommendation, but integrated doesn’t solve my space issue. I think I have a resolution… remove a section from my L shaped sectional & install another rack there. Question, I assume you have the Coda #8. It lo... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @acguo Can’t argue with your assessment and recommendations. Thanks! | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @mm1tt77 Thanks, will do. Do you think the BHK & AHB2 will not pair well if I go that route? | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp Thank you for your thoughts and recommendations. Unfortunately I am not certain what I am going to do. I do understand my weakest links are: 1. Amp 2. Turntable 3. DAC 4. Phono stage However, I will more than likely buy the BHK pre, for all... | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp @invalid Now there’s a response I didn’t expect. Please provide your recommendations, that would include: Better plus: No more than 4” in height. (due to my rack requirements) A good HP amp (otherwise another $1k) 12AU7 tubes compatible (I ha... |