
Responses from shubertmaniac

Laugh Laugh. The Eidolons are very very overrated with whatever they are with, Spectral or otherwise. A box is a box isa box....... Now with Electrostatics, now you are talking.Big ole' Electrostatics(not hybrids like Martin Logans), Spectral elec... 
More Dumb "Classical" Stereotypes
Classical music as relaxing music,hmmmmm. Most of Mozart'smusic is light and airy, ditto, Haydn. Mozart's Divertimentiare relaxing enough(you hear this stuff in restaurants). If you want something a little more exciting, but still relaxing try Sch... 
Magic with Magneplanars?
I recently auditioned the Maggie MG 3.6, ML Prodigy, and Avalon Eidolon speakers. It was pretty clear cut, the Maggie 3.6s easily is the best speaker of the 3, and considerableless expensive. The Maggies were more transparent, more dynamic, tonal ... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
I am always cynical. But 10 years ago I changed cables,I was impressed, tighter bass, a layer or two of transparency, and the highs a little less grainy. Now whether $10,000 cables/interconnects vs $1000 are better, Idon't know but I think I would... 
The best CD Player for the money
1. Rega Planet (old-style)2. Resolution CD50 (used)3. Resolution CD55 (new)4. Any Muse digital product5. Metronome CD26. Spectral 1000SDR; ancient history but very smooth, dynamic, and not etched, very natural sounding, includesa very nice preampl... 
Vote for the best speakers in 10K range
Audiokinesis/914nut:The reason I recommended those two speaker systems: Sound Lab and Magnepan is because they are nonboxy speakers. I ownAcoustat 2+2s with both ARC and Spectral equipment. Soany pure Electrostatic has to be excellent(faulty logic... 
1. Emerson String Quartet, Schubert, The late string quartets/string quintet.(DG)2. Emerson String Quartet,Webern, The string quartets(DG)3.Albert Brendl, Schubert, Piano impromtus(Vanguard)4.CSO/Levine,Schubert, 9th Symphony(DQ)5.Henry Mancini, P... 
Vote for the best speakers in 10K range
Only two choices:Maggie 3.6s(maybe the MG20.1s if you can get a discount)Sound Lab M2s(maybe SL M1s if the guy from New Orleans willdiscount)A box is a box is a box......You can dress them up.... 
Upgrade, Tube Amp ESL Speakers
Any one hundred watt tube amp(minimum) from ARC, VTL, or c-jwill do the job superbly but there are some differences between them. Check them out. I have been running an ARC D-115 on my Accoustat 2+2s for 17 years now without a hitch. Great soundin... 
Best Pre-amp under 7k
Best Preamp for hi-rez with line level only :Spectral DMC-30 for around $6500. Beats any Levinson with my electrostats. For phono listen to an Aesthetix phono preamp with volumecontrol, you will be impressed. 
The Beatles
Treyhoss, they were my wife's. I did not marry her for her musical tastes nor she for mine. As for musical growth thatis always someone's interpretation. I will gleefully give the Beatles' the title of kings of pop music and pop culture. They prob... 
Greatest Guitar Band
Undertaker4(is that the name of your band or your profession?),your premise is not necessarily true. YesJimi might be the greatest guitarist, but the thread was the greatest guitar BAND. Which in this case neither bandstruck a chord(pun intended) ... 
Chuck Berry
hear not here stupid 
Chuck Berry
not stupid 
Best Preamp under $5k??
Spectral DMC-12. Neutral and hi-rez. Great if you havehi-rez speakers/source/amp