
Responses from shubertmaniac

Your favorite three Rolling Stones songs?
1. Under My Thumb2 Going Down3 Gimme Shelter 
What are the 5 most overrated rock albums?
Rcprince:Yes three ex Yardbirds!!!! Better to burn out than fade away!!! I have posted in the past that the Yardbirds where the best guitar band in the 60s. When J Beck and JPagewhere together, awesome!!! Unfortunately, there are only four songs t... 
Best Acoustically Untreated Room You Have Heard?
The Totem Winds at Surround Sounds in Exton PA. Best speaker I have heard in an untreated room. Very expressive, tremendous imaging and soundstage. 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
Audio Artisan. They carry Von Schweikert VR-4.5s. 
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
CDC:I just heard the Totem Wind. They retrieved more info off the ESQ's Schubert's 14th String Quartet CD, then any other speaker I have heard including my beloved Acoustat 2+2. The soundstage and imaging where right up there with Avalon.A slight ... 
Better magazine, Stereophile or Absolute Sound
God I miss Audio!!Admit it, the most worn (torn cover)issue of any audio magazine was the October issue of Audio with their Annual Equipment Directory.Come on, ADMIT IT!!!I loved their sense of humor, remember in the Receiver section, the receiver... 
First Look - In DashTube Car Audio
Wonder if it is an all tube power amp or a hybrid. I have a 1960 Ford Starliner with an all tube receiver from input to output. Very cool sound particular with the reverb, though I have replaced the speaker once, a few years back. 
Dunlavy SC-IV vs. Aerial 10T characteristics
The Maggie 1.6, 3.6, and 20.1 are all three way speakers. 
Dunlavy SC-IV vs. Aerial 10T characteristics
For the record, Maggies are not one driver!!!! 
Which SS preamps will compete w/ tubes?
What speakers are you using??? Some speakers are born for tubes , some for SS, some sound fine with either. 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
If Ralph is right about his competition then why did TAS rate Ralph's competition class 1??? I still think the best SS amp is the Spectral DMA200 which is a steal at $2200 on the used market. Why spend more???? 
Von Schweikerts or Coincidents or ?
Whoa guys!!! Vandies 2C has been upgraded many,many timessince their introduction in the 70s. New drivers, crossover parts. etc. Sound Lab are electrostatic, there are no drivers per se, just a big capacitor. The Von Schweikertsare very good speak... 
Von Schweikerts or Coincidents or ?
haipo or rhyno, have listened to the Von Schweikerts if notI would. For the money,the Von Schweikert speakers are a very good buy, though the Total Victory speakers will rock.Eidolons are definitely not the best speaker for rock or post romantic c... 
Metamorphosen by Richard Strauss. Suggestion?
Ditto. The sonics are just great, buy it. This and the horn concerto were Strauss' swansong. Both are very introspective pieces. I guess, after the aftermath of the war and his relationship with the Nazis........ 
Audiogoners-some musical recommendations
Interesting classical/crossover: Ahn Trio, three sisters,piano,cello,violin. Their album "Ahnplugged"was very cool, from L Bernstein( a dissonant piano trio) to D. Bowie. Not avant garde but fun music( that is if you think a dissonant piano trio "...