

Responses from shadorne

MQA is Legit!
There is most definitely an audible difference with MQA. Phase distortion causes the imaging to be less accurate.Apodizing changes the timbre of transients.Easiest thing to listen for is the hole in the middle of the soundstage. Second easiest thi... 
MQA is Legit!
MQA introduces a bunch of distortion. I have not heard a single MQA file that is an improvement on the original file. Phase distortion from minimum phase filtering is one issue. The second issue is apodizing filtering (loss of resolution). 
Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)
@gosta Interesting. I have tried to like Monitor Audio. Certainly the detail is there but the lack of driver integration makes them sound so artificial. Just so obvious that you are listening to two or more drivers. 
DAC Bandwidth settings
Slow roll off may lose a bit of audible high frequency and it may suffer from aliasing. It really depends on how slow is slow....as there are many degrees from fast to slow. 
Do $2k speakers + DSP = $50k speakers?
@johnk +1 but fancy cables, re-clockers, mats, power cords, fancy fuses etc, are ALL BANDAIDS. If one has to resort to bandaids then it means the components are inadequate to begin with. 
***Going Insane***End Game Speakers***Harbeth Verity or Living Voice***
DAC Bandwidth settings
Use only Linear Phase fast roll off and no apodizing if you want the least distortion. All minimum phase filters cause phase distortion by delaying high frequencies compared to low frequencies. Apodizing reduces resolution - it has no place in a D... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
@ghosthouse +1 I love Brian Auger - he plays so well. Like Herbie Hancock, Chester Thompson and Booker T - sense of timing, feel and swing is impeccable. The Trinity Sessions with Julie Driscoll is also fantastic - this was in his younger days....  
Do $2k speakers + DSP = $50k speakers?
The Kii’s use inexpensive drivers according to diyAudio (Peerless $20 x 4, Dayton $16 and Seas $74) but do rely on sophisticated DSP techniquesThis is typical even for 10K speakers. A 2K speaker may have even less expensive drivers. That the Kiis ... 
Jimmy Page, It's time to call your lawyers?
+1 GeoffkaitThe musicianship of LZ is undeniable as is their passion for music. Everybody is influenced by what they are passionate about and “stealing” is the sincerest form of flattery when it concerns musical art. Art does not exist in a vacuum... 
Do McIntosh dealers give discount on new models?
Yes this is a great choice and the preamp in particular will sound great. I recommend you take a trip to Niagra Falls where there is a McIntosh dealer. Right now equipment is even cheaper in Canadian $ due to the exchange rate! Many Americans from... 
Unforgiving DAC or add Tube Preamp??
I think Apple TV is 48KHz 16 bit. This means it must sample rate convert everything that is in an audio format (48KHz isn’t used for audio alone) and many think the conversion is poorly done. This is definitely the weak link in your setup. 
Unforgiving DAC or add Tube Preamp??
McIntosh C2600 with 12AX7 tubes should be just what the Doctor ordered. Alternatively, PS Audio DSD Sr DAC has superb detail with a 10th row style presentation rather than Benchmark’s front row presentation. 
Unexpected Tom Petty "stamper" discovery
Interesting discussion about sound quality. T Bone Burnett and Tom Petty were always sticklers for sound quality. 
DENAFRIPS Terminator and Schiit Yggdrasil Evaluation and Comparison
@reggy The Yggdrasil has dubious claims also but that like the denafrips it doesnt mean that they won’t still sound good. Personally I don’t trust or like BS claims however any resolution above 20 bits is unlikely to be noticeable on most music. M...