

Responses from shadorne

Speaker recomendation
@donvito101 Exactly. Americans make nearly everything in Asia or Mexico. Very good value. Definitely the last place I would look for SOTA but for value “American Brand” - the stuff made in Asia is by far the best value.If you read above the OP fou... 
Speaker recomendation
Thanks for response. I see you are a value buyer - good sound but not overly expensive. I would stick to US made speakers: Revel, Vandy or Thiel.  
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
The hot items are contact paste, fuses and tin foil hats. The high end is that tally on fire!!! 
Hard Audio - Ceramic Speakers
In theory, with everything equal and no other speaker distortion mechanisms then Dr Toole may be correct: pure ringing at the fundamental can be removed with a notch filter it. However, in practice speakers are not perfectly linear and have limite... 
Hard Audio - Ceramic Speakers
@exfoliate Dr. Toole has a wealth of knowledge and far more experience than most experts. I trust what he says to be true. I think frequency response is primary but I can’t believe he would say that this is all that matters. After frequency respon... 
Yanni or Laurel?
I don’t hear either. If I assume the speaker is saying one of those two supposed words then it is just a really terrible pronounciation of either. If anything it is closer to Yanny with pitch going up slightly at the end which is how I would say i... 
How can Wilson Audio speakers sound that good if they are using OEM drivers?
Nearly all speakers are made with OEM parts. Many things are made this way. A lot of the technological sales talk is bogus. For example, all the interest in exotic materials for driver cones is often without mention of the size of voice coil, size... 
Talk but not walk?
Shear waves are just transverse vibrational waves. In solids you get both P (longitudinal) and S (transverse) waves. In liquids and air you get only P waves.At interfaces you can get rolling or orbital progressive waves travelling along the interf... 
Muddy Waters Folk Singer LP
+1 Indeed a classic.I don’t have a vinyl version of that but what a great sounding album in any case. This is one of the few where the musicianship is as good or better than the sound. My other favourite is Dave Grusin Homage to Duke. Sadly many o... 
Muddy Waters Folk Singer LP
+1 Indeed a classic.I don’t have a vinyl version of that but what a great sounding album in any case. This is one of the few where the musicianship is as good or better than the sound. My other favourite is Dave Grusin Homage to Duke. Sadly many o... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
+1 DlcockrumI think that one has the be careful about a DAC like the T&A DSD 8 when most of the sound is from what looks like poorly implemented filters. I think the fixation on DACs and their sound is a mistake. Get a good high quality tube p... 
Talk but not walk?
@geoffkait Wrong. You are conflating flow and vibration. The air particles in the room vibrate elastically at musical frequencies they do NOT “flow” around the room. There is no net air movement Flow = Zero, Capiche? 
Talk but not walk?
Since there is no air flow in a listening room you can’t create turbulent flow. You don’t even have laminar flow in a listening room. Reynolds numbers? Good grief. We have such a conflation of different applied sciences here - none of which applie... 
Tea For the Tillerman by Cat Stevens-which sounds best?
This might help.http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list?artist=Cat+Stevens&album=Tea I prefer the HD Tracks version to the CD and to Tidal MQA. Frankly not much in it - all the digital versions are close. I don’t have vinyl so can’t comment there. 
Talk but not walk?
Geoff is spewing even more jumbo-jumbo gobbledygook than usual. He has outdone himself. Definitely worthy of a Gold Star, a Mars bar and extra playtime.