

Responses from shadorne

Headphones as Models for Speakers? Interesting Read from Herb Reichert - Opinions Please
He is full of it. Nothing beats good speakers. Headphones aren’t even close. 
Is It Possible?
If you are looking for something that combines what you like about both your speakers then definitely try to audition ATC (especially those with the 3” mid range). The design goal of ATC is almost entirely based on the sound of Quad electrostatic.... 
My daughter pushed my tweeter in-HELP!
Sticky tape. Be very careful and try several times increasing the contact area until you get just enough adhesion to pop it out but not too much that you damage it. 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
@twoleftears Yes you are correct. Also mid sized ATC like the ATC 100, JBL and other big boxey three ways tend not to image (or disappear) as well. It all has to do with mid range and tweeter frequencies because the LF sound wraps around the entir... 
Harbeth 30.1 ? The Ultimate Speaker under $5K ?
@ryder  The OP already purchased the ultimate speaker. 
DAC/Streamers Under 10k - Mytek, PS Audio...
I am surprised you don’t like Roon. Best interface out there. 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
Yes but shape of the baffle is just as important - rounded smooth edges are best. Very Narrow baffles will image second best. Very wide baffles (like mine) will image third best. Speakers flush mounted into a wall with essentially an infinite baff... 
Is there actually a difference?
Correct. SS Amps designed to high specification test measurements should sound almost the same. Tube amps can be of all kinds of flavour and sound very different. 
Aurilac Vega G2 vs Aries G2
Xuanqian Wang may seem to be a lone voice of reason to Darko but I think many engineers feel the same:-There is no unique advantage to any interface system. All interfaces can work brilliantly and perfectly if they are well built and properly desi... 
your favorite 3 Duke Ellington albums?
A Homage to Duke by David Grusin - fantastic sounding album. 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
+1 @david_ten Correct. The speaker should be as transparent and neutral as possible. It is not possible to remove resonance or euphonic syrupy timbre once you have it. However, starting with a speaker that is clean and neutral at all dynamic level... 
Tube recommendations
+1 Telefunken NOS or you could go modern Gold Lions (honestly they can be just as good). Both will fit your application (low noise & detail). 
The RME ADI 2-DAC 32Bit/768kHz
Yes this is a fantastic bargain DAC for the quality. The FS version measures absolutely superbly (unlike Schiit products). It can compete with DACs twice the money (Benchmark, Mytek, Bryston, Auralic etc.). 
balanced components
Yes you can. The only issue could be gain matching. Professional grade XLR runs +24Dbu with lots of headroom and usually on at least 18 volt rails. This can be too hot for consumer grade equipment running on 5 volt rails. In this case some attenua... 
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
@jcarcopo Agree with your comments. Dangerous Convert 2 is a great DAC too.Out of curiosity - are you using XLR out of the Benchmark DAC and in to the HPA4?Also did you set the Benchmark close to full volume (no resistor pad attenuation and about ...