

Responses from shadorne

Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
@sciencecop  I agree with you about cone design. The ideal cone is perfectly rigid and perfectly and completely damped. 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
Yes aluminium and ceramic are nearly perfectly rigid and pistonic but they Rrriiiiinnnnnnggggg like a bell and are terrible materials for driver cones. The Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg is what I... 
The 70’s are back
Finally progress! Back to the great era of the three-way!!! 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
The radial cone in Harbeth speakers is quite rigid or pistonic.Richard should not use a 4.5 inch cone at 5 KHz - it will beam severely. But the idea of pistonic is good provided the material is intrinsically damped. Watch the two videos on this pa... 
Reference 3A MM De Capo vs Legacy Calibre
+1 ATC - their new tweeter integrates so well. Very natural sound. Not the last word in extension but the bass you do get provides superb detail and is of a higher quality then speakers tuned only to impress with an ultra deep bass 
Speed kills....
ATC actives are well known for dynamics and lack of compression on transients. Dynamics are quite often the missing element from many systems which are otherwise excellent in other respects. 
Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW
I am not doubting your tremendous experience. I don’t doubt that much of pro-audio equipment is crap too. Hardly a surprise given the lack of quality we find in the consumer world. 100 db SNR is indeed about all that most crap equipment can achiev... 
Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW
Well that settles it then. XLR is just an expensive bulky waste of money. Pro studios, musicians, sound engineers and microphone manufacturers are simply too ignorant to know better.Cheap RCA is just as good. 
Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW
@ieales Exactly. If you have consumer grade audio then balanced may not do much for you unless you have an EM/RF noise (reduced by 40 dB in extreme cases) problem. If you have pro grade audio with much higher line signal levels then you will get t... 
How to make low end digital sound "not terrible" on higher end systems?
+1 @mahlerA tube preamp and try Apple AAC 256 from your iPhone. Spotify is not quite there in compression quality.  
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
I will add that digital room correction is a mixed bag. If the software is trying to heavily boost a null in the bass then it could easily cause your amplifier to clip in the bass even at modest volume levels.Audyssey XT32 limited their bass boost... 
Help me make a decision! Turntable overload
Normally the cartridge comes with a weight. So you can compensate a little for light tone arms or light head shells.I have a Denon 110 high output MC on a refurbished Pioneer Pl-550 and I like the old school FM sound it gives. I am not looking for... 
Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW
Canare Starquad L-4E6S cable are among the best. RCA is cheap crap. No self respecting self-proclaimed audiophile should be using anything but XLR for interconnects beyond the TT RCA phono leads. (No sense to have XLR from your cartridge but every... 
Interesting (or not) dilemma
There is nothing worse than sitting with your head close to a wall. You our need to fix your listening position.Try diagonal placement with your seated position 1/3 of the way into the room. 
Might try a tube preamp
I assume you are not seeking more resolution but a bit more warmth or flavour?ARC is a bit too close to SS for what I want from a pre.Mcintosh C2600 has some nice tube flavour & 12AX7 are common enough to roll cheaply! McIntosh is very popular...