
Responses from sgreg1

Guess How Big My Speakers Are
What size shoes and gloves do you wear? This will tell us how big your “speakers” are!  
OK-- I think I get it, now...
I think even if you yourself had not  acknowledged  crossing over to the dark side, the community would have tagged you. Your description of the new amp hits all points of jargon that leave many wondering what their definition is(timber, color, dy... 
How long do you or should you keep your gear.
Still have a Sansui 7070 that was purchased in 1977. Still works and runs 12 hours a day in my wife's salon. Still using my pioneer pl112D turntable that I received for Christmas from mom and dad in 1974.   
How do you get Happy as an Audiophile?
Music anyway I can get it. Boom  
Two of the most powerful words ever
What if my parents never had sex?  
Is Pretty Good Good Enough? Listening Habits In The World Of Streaming Services.
It is all about the music any way I can get it. Yes I prefer and enjoy my reference system but that does no stop me from listening to music in my car, on the plane, or in my office through wireless bluetooth speakers. I will take music any way I c... 
So much music that we never hear!
@dayglow @stuartk You both have answered my question that was the point of radio. We only hear the artists and songs they want us to hear or that their corporations have chosen to be successful. Yes you can dig out the old albums but you are not... 
Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!!
If you don’t like the forum LEAVE! For the most part we are music lovers looking for opinions and help on music systems. Yes like everything in todays world the forum has been infected with trolls who serve no purpose on the site or in life. Rule ... 
Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists?
It is way to easy today for people to loose focus and get lost in their system to the point of no longer enjoying the music. For me it is a overweighted compromise or music first system second.    
More expensive = better?
IMO it will depend on what the higher price is for. Are you paying a higher price for one amp over another because there are higher quality components used? Are you paying a higher price for a proprietary design or circuit board? Are you paying a ... 
Choosing the right equipment
As much as you heart is in the right place tread lightly. My system is a personal and very non objective journey that has taken years. Through my journey my wife has tried to do what she thought was right in buying a piece here and there and I can... 
When choosing new Speakers, what matters most to you?
@cindyment   Why did you have to ruin his day by telling him the truth about all the foreign cars he had purchased and drove. I grew up in a GM town, went to school and am good friends with all the union assemblers and I will tell you that I ne... 
When choosing new Speakers, what matters most to you?
I bought the speaker that I liked and then built my system around them. I know the sound I like and as soon as I heard Vandersteen’s I stopped looking. I then went on the journey to put the rest of the system in place. We all know the journey neve... 
Bully pulpits
Don’t blame the rank-and-file. Blame the politicians who created the problems. You have to remember the job of a politician. First create an issue that will affect the most amount of people that it can. Then convince the people that you the politi... 
Tube preamp: Cary SLP-03 vs Schiit Freya+
I can’t help you on any comparisons as the Freya + is my first and only venture into tubes. I was attracted the the versatility that it brought to the table. Tubes if I want, all the inputs I needed, remote control, and tube rolling. I have rolled...