
Responses from sgreg1

The problem with streaming
As has been said over and over and argued to the point of exhaustion. Streaming is not a replacement to vinyl but a compliment to all other sources of music a person has access to. For me I will take music any way I can get it. Yes there are deliv... 
Replace inner sleeves on used records?
Yes you should and along with double albums make sure you check for marijuana remnants.  Can usually find enough for one hit!  
For all you Bose 901 Haters!
Grew up with Bose 301’s, 601’s, and then 901’s. Still use my 301’s for front surround and my 901’s are in storage. The 901 should go down as the best party speaker of all time. Small foot print could be hung from the celling and with a Sansui 9090... 
I need a subwoofer recomendation
First to get out of the way if you are truly dedicated to your two channel music do not combine it with surround system. Keep them independent of each other. REL is the best in your price range!  
Power Amp Question
Do some research before you make the same mistake others do. WATTS per channel equate to a very small part of the power equation of audio gear. I can show you an amp with 500 watts per channel that wont drive your speakers. Then I can show you an ... 
Help.... I'm scared to 'upgrade'!
@oranfoster  Please understand that I am not trying to be critical of your finances or do I care. I was trying to make a point that people who love music can and should enjoy it anyway they can. By any way I mean anyway and while we can offer our... 
Help.... I'm scared to 'upgrade'!
@jasonbourne52 I think what separates some from the others here is quite simple. My journey is now and alway has been about the music. All to often people get sidetracked and the music takes a back seat to their new love “system”. Trouble is tha... 
Help.... I'm scared to 'upgrade'!
What do you want good sound that you are happy with or a line item in you bank account that you can look at brag about and try and convince your self that it cost this much it must sound good. This forum is famous for people who spend thousands fo... 
Is Old Music Killing New Music?
I would ask what that 70% number represents. If it represents sales then I believe it. The young generation listening through their phone or $10 bluetooth speaker’s do not purchase music. They are content listening to what ever the server spins ne... 
Need speaker recommendations.
Vandersteen Devore Salk not in any special order but you can call all three and get their input on what they would recommend.    
Could this be true, or am I getting the run around.?
Tommy Copper socks. I wear them when ever I listen to tt as they eliminate static shocks when I would touch tt. Yes they are full of crap if a static arch could do this what is the other rf in the house doing?   
Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject
2 2 2 1 two not only offers great sound but gets my votes on connivence and how much new music I have discovered through qobuz!   
Those who seek to deny access to information
Like everything in the world today you have wade knee deep through the crap to find a keeper every no and then. Trouble is the crap keeps getting deeper and deeper.  
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
Anyone else getting the feeling that this is becoming a nascar argument of Ford vs Chevy?  sit back and enjoy the music anyway you can. Even if you are in your Ford and passing a Chevy!  
Your method for discovering great music.
Anyone into blues need to log into Austin Blues Radio. Amazing commercial free broadcast. Give it a try and please buy some t shirts to support them! Qobuz great discovery tool too.