
Responses from sgreg1

Best double live vinyl?
Ted Nugent “ Double live gonzo” I saw the tour with him swinging from a cable stage side to stage side!  
Best double live vinyl?
I liked it even more when an 8 track tape would pause an go to the next track in the middle of a song. Yes as the previous post shows that was the stone age of audio. Imagine what they will say of us now 50 years down the road?  
Schitt freya preamp hum- how do I get rid of this?
Its a tube. My Freya is dead quiet in all modes.  
Commonly mentioned speaker brands?
I think that names or manufactures can go two ways. One is people who like what they own will always promote them and beg for approval from the ranks. Then there is the other side where people will continue to bash certain manufacture. Some time f... 
Improvement in Musicality for home theater system
Some will argue different but IMO if you want good two channel you need it as a stand alone system. Any time you try to do both you are compromising some where!  
Any song recommendations for testing purposes?
Nothing from the Eagles. They have some of the worst produced recordings out there. my go to is Stevie Ray “Tin Pan Alley”. Provides everything you need and was produced very well. to dial in bass look to Pink Floyd “The Wall” kick drum will punc... 
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
Again this will turn into the argument that more money gives you better sound. To a certain degree that is correct but also needs to be broken down. Yes the Freya is considered to be a “ bargain” for what it does at it price. Yes you can spend a l... 
Speaker system
I can sell you a pair of Bose 901’s. They are perfect for this application.   
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to?
@yogiboy   I have heard this as well and was also told that us individuals would hate the sound from these speakers in our systems. Be aware that they are listening to raw single tracks of individual instruments. We are listening to a mixed res... 
Any tubes currently manufactured in the US, Japan or Germany?
I guess I would add what does it matter. The design trumps the manufacturing process. A good developer will do the due diligence of the manufacture and conduct follow up quality control checks. So I do not see where this takes place matters. A goo... 
Will you hear the most beautiful music...
What reaction would I generate when I reached for the ketchup bottle?  
Please settle a bet!
I say pop the scotch and pour a couple tall glasses for a long listening session. If you finish the bottle I think you can declare each a winner and you will be in such a happy place you wont care or remember why you are there!  
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
Lost in your logic is quality of the build. Yes you can buy an amp that will sound great for a low price point but with an inferior build quality how long will it last and how dependable will it be? I can buy a entry level suv that can get me down... 
Wanting to upgrade my streaming sound quality.
You have 1000 mg speed in that you are cutting in have by using wifi. First step is to make sure your streamer is hard wired to you net with cat 7 wire. This alone made a big difference in my sound quality.  
What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp?
The only tube pre I have owned is 6SN7 tubes. I am happy enough to not look further. I have rolled tubes and right now nos  Sylvania bad boys sound great. My holly grain is an old pair of telafunkins but not willing to pay $500 per tube right now....