
Responses from sedond

Any suggestions for improvements?
that arm isn't the best match-up for the oracle, due to its spring arrangement, & the way the et will cause weight-shift to the oracle as the arm moves. i assume ewe have an older oracle - i can't imagine this arm wood get mounted today on a g... 
Warm sounding ss power amps
hi johnny, i like my electrocompaniet amps. and i'm not saying this yust cuz i have one for sale! ;~) it's only f/s cuz i found a matched stereo pair that i can run wertically bi-amped.that said, mgs is correct - yer system's brightness may be due... 
Congested sound, new speakers?
redkiwi, perhaps yure rite about the mids of the 1.5's - i dunno, i'm not familiar w/this specific model. but, i've heard several of their other models, and they all had a *family* sound. i own a pair of 3.5's, now in a secondary system. i've neve... 
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
pete, yure rite where i'm at now - i'm tryin' to conwince myself i need a pair of melos mat-1000 mono amps, which retailed for $10k/pair. even used, i dunno how the budget wood feel... but, as dekay sez - be careful 'bout woicin' an opinion - yer ... 
Thiel cs3.6 keep blow up mid/tweter driv
thiels are wery demanding of quality amplification & lotsa current - normally, i'd take the adwice of drtmth58 & cornfedboy. but, in this case, yer amp is up to the task. so, i'd suspect ewe have a problem similar to that referred-to by rm... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
albert, i have a suspicion that stevemj's post *was*, in fact, in jest. ironic, that, as you show, it's actually what smart designers *do*. seems to me they know something *isn't* "technically perfect", as stevemj purports, if it in fact cannot ac... 
To Sub or not to Sub...?
jayboard, if this worked, it'd be purely coincidental - what if your room resonance was @ 120hz? i don't tink ewe wood wanna raise the monitors' x-over point to, say, 140hz, and the subs' to 100hz, yust to deal w/this, if better integration betwee... 
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
c'mon leafs - i tink yure generalizing a bit here. i've heard equipment that made nice music, both toobed *and* s/s. i've also heard equipment that i thought *dint* make nice music, also both toobed & s/s.for me, personally, i've come to reali... 
Bohlender Graebener -Worth Buying?
stu, relax - it's possible no one here has had experience w/these. personally, if i were ewe, i'd check out newform research's r645 or nhb645. go to their ww, & check out user reviews on audioreview. that's what i'm saving for right now...rega... 
Congested sound, new speakers?
stereojon, i woodn't do *anything* w/yer current set-up until ya move. *none* of the negative comments about your thiels are true, imho, except chstob's comment that they can fall apart when pushed. but, this is cuz they want *lotsa* power, someth... 
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
redkiwi, i also have gotten negative wotes, sometimes not even for expressing an opinion, but yust cuz it's *me*! ;~) i can honestly say that i completely disagree w/your position - i tink it's the synergy betwen the specific amp & pre & s... 
Feelings on Napster?
yuve gone to war, no questions asked, even when wrong?!? 'nuff said... 
I am stunned
hi liguy, tanks for the update - all of us who have found benefits w/bi-wiring appreciate yer clarification! ;~) for tuna-listening, i suggest magnum, fanfare, mccintosh, linn, naim, onix, sequerra, revox, tandberg. i'm sure i'm missing a few. eac... 
Amp vs AMP
c'mon punks, ping me w/negative wotes *again*!!! *i* can take it!!! i also stand by my *legitimate* comments! ;~) doug s. ps - sorry, mp, about the limited amp info, but i suggest inwestigating electrompaniet amplifiers - wery nice amps, imho. ele... 
Amp vs AMP
liguy, have ewe ever listened to a quality tuna? i tink yude be amazed by the sound quality... regards, doug ps - lotsa folks are still waiting for yer comments about running yer speakers single-wire in your *stunned* thread...