
Responses from sedond

To Sub or not to Sub...?
vmps' are good *and* cheap. :>) i've heard the top-line welodynes, & the mid-line rels in one-sub set-ups - they never sounded right, the bass always sounded like it was coning from the sub, never blended into the soundstage, and was boomy ... 
To Sub or not to Sub...?
i definitely recommend *a pair* of subs for audio, even if ewe have full-range main speakers. as mentioned before, subs can take the load off of the full-range speakers' woofers, cleaning them up considerably. other adwantages are allowing ewe to ... 
VTL 450 SIG. vs. Wolcott P220M
hey burt, aren't ya sellin' 'em cuz ya fell for the rowland concentra ll? ;~) doug, mite sell my electrocompaniet amps, if i could *steal* a pair of melos monoblocs... :>) 
Bi-amp with same sort of amp?
it is generally more difficult to match differing amps for bass & mid/treble. that said, as abstract7 points out, it *can* be done, but ya have to pay close attention to the characteristics of the speakers & the amps. using an active cross... 
Help with two preamps and amp connection
do yer preamps have a tape loop? if so, have yer audio preamp hooked-up full-time *only* to the two main audio speakers/amps. listen to music as always. then, for movies, have yer h-t preamps' main outs feed *only* the center & surround channe... 
NAD 515 CD Player use with DAC
i used to use an ase z-man tubed buffer stage w/my nad 515 (and the panasonic portable slp1a before that). this was the *only* way i could tolerate the digital nasties, when it was run thru an electrocompaniet ec-1a preamp, & then, a linn kair... 
702, i don't doubt what yure saying, but emf produced by the woofer, absorbed by the amplifier, & rejected by the tweeter's side of the x-over network, is going thru more wire from woof-to-amp-to-tweet, & when going to amp, the tweet isn't... 
UPS or should I Say Oooops
ups is no better or worse than any other shipper. when stuff is properly packed, i've never had a problem. as i mentioned above, they *did* pay a claim, no questions asked, when the shipper *obviously* fraudulently packed damaged goods. in another... 
UPS or should I Say Oooops
ericbee, ewe are mistaken - ups *will* make payment for damaged goods - even if they were poorly packed, or were damaged prior to shipment. i was the buyer in two such incidents, & ups paid both times, w/no hassles - once to a dishonest seller... 
rb 900 arm
talk to origin-live - they say their fully-modded rb250 is better than all the other rega arms - including the ones w/the origin-live mods. they say this is because the less-expensive arms' configuration, while using slightly less-expensive bearin... 
70242, it's the interaction of the woofer & tweeter w/the amplifier that i'm referring to, - bi-wiring puts distance between these interactions, making them happen closer to the amp, not to the speaker. 
Mark levinson audio system in Lexus?
i commute 90 miles a day, & my main drive has *no* radio - i like to listen to the sweet sounds of that alfa v6 winding out. i enjoy my stereo at home, when in the car, i enjoy *driving*. doug *tired of suv's/fones/trucks/stereos, instead of a... 
cd players with volume control
paulwp, if yer assessment of yamski is correct, then he yust needs to find something like ewe suggest, & run it thru an ase z-man toob-buffer-stage, or the musical-fidelity wersion (not sure of its model # designation). this was the only way i... 
cd players with volume control
i admit i've never compared the pricy stuff such as accuphase & wadia - i guess i can't afford to wring that last *nth* of sound from a format that i never really liked that much, & is in imminent danger of being replaced. but, as far as m... 
regarding (b), the rating of the speakers really wood depend on the capacity of the amp to deliver current. my electrocompaniet amps, for example, put out serious current & are stable down to at least 0.5 ohm. so, if bridged, they'd still be s...