
Responses from sedond

Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?
as i said before leafs, i put *hundreds* of hours on the rogue magnum-version 99 i had in the 2 months i listened to it in my system. ya, i *did* complain about it when i 1st turned it on - it was *really* bad then! ;~) changing to nos toobs helpe... 
Record-playing Rituals?
tanks albert - i will report back w/my findings... ;~) doug s. 
Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?
leafs, i spoke w/3 different dealers who used to carry melos when they were in biz - two carried rogue, all three carried cary. all three recommended the melos, even tho they couldn't sell me a gnu preamp, which they' have been delighted to do.sor... 
Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?
i tried a magnum rogue 99 preamp, & it was bettered a little by the cary slp-98, but the melos music-director was truly in another league altogether. i don't tink the rogue liked the 5.5m long i/c's - it yust exacerbated impedance problems int... 
Bob Marley Reissues
i love marley, too... i *also* love "catch a fire"! ;~) regards, doug 
Passive bi-amping works ?
fletch, my experience differs from yours - one of my electrocompaniet amps is enuff power to drive my monitors, but it sounds better w/a second matching amp, using one amp per monitor, vertically bi-amped.ymmv, doug s. 
Record-playing Rituals?
jeez, i feel almost neanderthal - hardly *any* ritual when i spin winyl, tho to my non-audiophile friends, i'm anal-as-hell! i guess i should show 'em this thread! ;~) but, in my defense, i have records 25+ years old, that are still in good shape.... 
advice for an old newbie
i tink ewe should strongly consider a used 'table, especially at this price-point - it puts ya on the cusp of the entry to some of the best 'tables out there: linn lp-12, vpi hw-19, sota wacuum 'tables, pink triangle, kuzma, well-tempered, oracle ... 
Passive bi-amping works ?
ryllau, there are many pre's that have more than one set of main output connectors. but, i woodn't necesarily use this as the criteria for choosing a preamp. there are quality adaptors that allow ewe to connect a pair of i/c's to one output. even ... 
Electrocompaniet Nemo
ljgj, sorry to hear your problems. i've not had this problem w/my electrocompaniet equipment. i've used heinz preiss, he's in florida, wery familiar w/electro stuff, & has good turn-around time. not that i've had major problems w/the stuff - i... 
Passive bi-amping works ?
craig, i tink yule like yer bi-amped set-up, but as yuve also had yer amps seriously upgraded, i imagine lotsa improvement wood be evident even if using only *one* amp in a bi-wire mode. supakit, whether or not 4 channel for passive bi-amping is b... 
Are Monoblock s worth it?
sqjudge, i assume that your friend's speakers didn't allow for biamping, but only had a single pair of binding posts? doug s. 
TUBE....Starting with Power or Preamp ?
supakit, abstract 7 is rite *and* wrong: he's rite in that if ya use the ead for a home-theatre set-up, ewe may want a pre w/a processor loop that will default to the ead's controls when switched to this loop. this allows *all* the speakers - even... 
Are Monoblock s worth it?
sibelius, re-read the last paragraph of my prewious post for the benefits of wertically bi-amping, vs running monoblocs... ;~) basically, if ya got enuff power for yer low-pass driver/s from one channel of a stereo amp, i tink wertically bi-amping... 
Are Monoblock s worth it?
yes, shortened speaker cables is important - i *gnu* i forgot someting.... ;~) doug s.