
Responses from sedond

sweet spot hell
while there are lotsa walid points being made here, the indiwidual speakers' inherent characteristics also have a lot to do w/this. dunlavys are known to have a *wery* narrow sweet-spot. one reviewer likened them to being "the worlds' largest head... 
Website leaking oil?
they used to get more ads in a day than in a week. i emailed norbert about it, & he politely responded that he understood if would no longer take adwantage of the site. i'd tink they have to do some *serious* adjusting to make it wiable - perh... 
What to do with free soundproofing?
have ewe dampened the 1st-wall reflections on the ceiling? 
LPs - display/storage etc ideas
ewe may wanna check out this site: dunno about their costs; i haven't thoroughly been thr the site, but the design/style looks interesting, & someone handy could build their own: hope this helps, doug s. 
My New Creek 4330...
doesn't sound rite - my brother-in-law has one, driving totem arro's - never heard this... 
Using Linn With Other Brands
hi exley, as i mentioned in your query to me re: my electrocompaniet f/s, i used a linn kairn for 4 years w/electrocompaniet amps, to good effect. i tink the linn *synergy* is marketing hype, to try & entice ewe into an all-linn system. not we... 
Any thoughts on Onix A60 Integrated?
ewha, i realise i may be mistaken - the a60 is a more conwentional-looking recent model? even so, i imagine it woodn't sound *worse* than the older model... ;~) fyi, has adwertized on their site an a120 - asking $399; & onix separ... 
How can power cords make a difference?
jhunter, *no* one should ridicule or condemn ewe - ewe, sir, have an open mind. regards, doug s. 
How can power cords make a difference?
this is *great*!!! i *love* it!!! now, all we need is for 702 & stevemj to agree to try 'em... doug s. 
Any thoughts on Onix A60 Integrated?
i heard this several years ago at a small shop in my area. while i dint do critical listening, i tink if ewe could pick one up for a good price, w/the soap power-supply, yule be quite happy. i *did* buy the onix tuner w/the soap p/s, & i think... 
Levinson 380S or Hovland 100?
ken, to get some negative info on the melos, check out the little *spat* i had w/leafs on the "Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?" thread here... ;~) as discussed in the thread, melos - the company - *did* have enuff serious problems to cause 'em to... 
Best driving music.
the wail of a 3.0 litre alfa v6 winding out, being run thru the gears... ;~) doug *no radio on my 90 mile/day commute* sedon 
HT vs. stereo pre-amps again
ya know, now that i tink about it s'more, depending on yer processor, ewe *may* even be able to run a line from yer preamps' *main* output to yer h-t processor (if ya don't have extra main outs, then ya need a 1-into-2 rca plug). if yer processor ... 
HT vs. stereo pre-amps again
dbw1, ya need to have *all* yer sources, including the h-t ones, plugged into the perreaux. then, run from the tape outs of the perreaux to the inputs of your processor, ie - where ewe would normally plug in your video input sources. then, when ya... 
HT vs. stereo pre-amps again
there *are* several "audiophile grade" pre's that offer an h-t loop - arc, vtl, bat, sonic-frontiers come to mind. but, if ya awreddy really like yer current pre, the tape-loop dual-wolume-control thing may be the way to go...doug s.