

Responses from seasoned

Home cinema newbie questions...preamp advice
Richard,I agree with Bdgregory - forget the 3-channel idea and just go with 2. IMO, get a 2-channel pre-amp to connect to both the audio OUTs of your sat/cable receiver and DVD player. Connect the video OUTs of the sat/cable receiver and DVD playe... 
experience w/ Auralex room treatment
Like Lazarus28, I too use Auralex with great results. I use the 4" Pyramids, Q-fusers and T-fusers (modified). The pyramids are gray and diffusers are painted the same color as the ceiling. Because the diffusers are supposed to be painted, you can... 
Impact of Walker Audio Extreme SST
I use Xtreme A/V's QuickSilver on both my high-end audio rig and AV system. My experience is similar to yours on audio, after break in of course (for break-in I repeat track 4 of Ayre Burn-In CD for about half a week). Try not to break the connect... 
Drying sand in the oven- anyone try it?
Using sand to fill the pillars definitely tightens up the sound - well worth pursuing. The oven would be great for drying, but you can also simply spread it out on a piece of cardboard and set it out in the sun for a few hours. Make sure when you ... 
Good power cord for Rotel?
Keep an eye out on A'gon for used Virtual Dynamics Power2 or Power3 cords. These cords are superb for the money. Example:http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?cablpowr&1135388390John 
Best "Wireless" Headphones?
I own Sennheiser wireless headphones for my TV viewing late at night. I like them very much; they offer quite detailed sound, however the bass is a bit weak. I wish they did not have the "auto-off" feature though - unfortunatly, this feature canno... 
Placette RVC vs. Adcom GFP-750 in passive mode
I have owned the Placette Active Line Stage for about 4 years now and before that, had the Adcom GFP-750 that I used in passive mode. I can assure you that the Placette is far and away better than the Adcom GFP-750 in passive mode - much more deta... 
Is this music to your r ears, or what?
Here is a hint to your friend: Do not tell the pastor that you had sex. Just tell him that you were pokin' around in Tower Records that day - no lies told. 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
Klipschorns will probably always be relevant - they are a classic design. The K-horns do some things that other speakers only dream of. Of course, other speakers do some things that a K-horn can only dream of doing. It is all a matter of sonic pri... 
Freezer Cryoed Cables...
I would be leery of purchasing used equipment from someone who freezes his or her components. Wide temperature thermal cycling stresses the electronic components and solder joints. This "treatment" results in fatigue and reduced component life bec... 
Dunlavy Speakers SC-III vs. SC IV
In general, the SC-III and SC-IV are very similar in sound, i.e., they both exhibit a similar sonic character and presentation. The most significant difference is that the SC-4 has more bass extension and will, therefore, reproduce the music's fou... 
what the heck is a Namiki DF-100 Direction Finder
I actually have one of these devices that I bought new in the mid-eighties from The Tweak Shop. I keep it in its original box with instructions. If you require instructions, I can fax them to you if you provide me your fax number. It is used to co... 
CD...then the SACD...all over again
I share your sympathy and agree - I am in the same boat. I suppose it could be worse, however. We could be stuck with the choice of buying only the CD or low rez version. Consider us all lucky that MFSL exists in the first place. It is too bad tha... 
Cause of Channel Imbalance
Make sure your speakers have not moved - they should both be EXACTLY the same distance away from your listening chair. I like to attach a string to the center of the chair and move it back and forth between the 2 speakers' tweeters. Both direction... 
Downloading music from Internet --Pro's/Con's?
No the quality will not be as good as a store boaught CD...but, depending on what equipment you play the MP3 back on will determine your satisfaction. If you use a high-end system for playback, you will be very disappointed. If you play it back on...