
Responses from seanheis1

Class D = Trash?
The Marantz PM-10 and NAD M22 are hypex Ncore. If you haven't been pleased with Class D in the past, I can't imagine that a new name on the box will change things much.  
Class D = Trash?
Guido, is there any scientific explanation behind these Class D break in numbers? I can see speakers maybe needing a bit of time to break in....but transistors??? Given that break-in of a class D power amp ranges from 600 hours to approximately... 
Class D = Trash?
Very interesting point about switching frequencies… What is the acceptable switching friequency range is targeted by the pundits? Below is a quote from George from the Class D technology thread.  The day will come when Class D will compete and... 
Class D = Trash?
Again, one experience with ICE modules cannot possibly speak for all Class D amps, just the one amp you heard. Goodness folks. I heard a poor tube dac once so they all must have a ways to go.....crazy thought process correct? These issues with... 
Class D = Trash?
I can definitely detect that element of...whatever it is. Dryness? Poor blending of upper- mids into highs? Lack of weight? There's a SOMETHING to the sound that hints to listener fatigue. I experienced the same with Ice Power amps. Dry, cold, ... 
Best $500 System?
I suggest the audioengine HD3. They are amplified, veneered, and small. Perfect for a woman not concerned about bass. The JBL 305s sound great for the money, but I don't think many women would accept their looks. The Vanatoo Transparent one is my ... 
Help in selecting 1 of 3 amplifiers
I suggested the wireless active LS50.Then you at the mercy of class-D amps, like em or hate them.The tweeter is Class AB powered and the woofer is Class D powered. The LS50 active has a 12 month warranty...a lot can go wrong with active stuff cram... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
I would use it all the time but engaging the crossover in the preamp I use (Parasound P7) really diminishes the sound.Sorry for being random Erik, but why does engaging the crossover in the preamp diminish the sound?  
Best speakers under $500? Fire away!
Another vote for JBL Studio 530. Compression driver is super smooth.  
High quality interconnects - bargain price
If these are as good as you say, the manufacturer would immediately raise the price to $2200. That's the way this game works :)With pro audio, buyers aren't as gullible. 
Class D Technology
Now after a very positive upgrade of my ht rig from a pair of emotiva space heaters to a single nuforce class d i am ready to be convinced. Which Nurforce did you buy? Any idea who makes their modules?  
Class D Technology
On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that ICEpower-based amps have traditionally been bears to break-in.... And for at least a couple hundred hours out of the box they tend to sound dry and uninvolving. Any idea what part of the amp is breaki... 
Class D Technology
I hear the new Peachtree Novas have done a good job. I'd be curious how they sound People either love them or can't stand them is what I have noticed. They are beautiful though.  
Question for Amp Designers
I just ran across this old article. Apparently Bob Carver had it figured out long ago and used distortion pots to mimic sonic signatures.  "Carver caused a stir in the industry in the mid-1980s when he challenged two high-end audio magazines to... 
Class D Technology
Check this out:’s a lot of notes in the sound ratings at the bottom of the article! This is a very strong vote of confidence for Pascal.