
Responses from seanheis1

Magnepan mmg vs .7 . Real world experience opinions requested
Thanks for update. How do they sound at low volume?  
Tekton Impact
Is there an audio show in Seattle where they will be on demo?  
PS Audio Sprout - NAD or Parasound for desktop?
I have a silver Zamp in my closet if you decide to go that route. I replaced it with a single ended amp. It is dead quiet and built like a tank. It resolves detail as good as any. It doesn't boost the bass like other little amps which can be good ... 
Looking for input: Best material for mid range cone
The harder materials tend to measure better but paper is very musical.  
Integrated Amp Upgrade-itis hitting....
I would take your current amp over the 2 amps that you are looking at. If you want an upgrade you will need to move to something like a halo integrated. What you have is pretty nice.  
$10k DAC in a 3k system?
4K in build parts for a DAC? What parts are so costly?  
If bi-amping is so great, why do some high end speakers not support it?
Regarding biwire and speaker manufacturers. Jim Salk of Salk Sound doesn't think that it matters for sound but he advises his buyers to allow for that capability as it can help resale value.   
How good are modern multi hdmi super duper 50 channel receivers compare to vintage
class d tends to sound more dry and analytical. The better vintage gear will sound warm in comparison. There are of course exceptions. Class AB high current low feedback can sound really good regardless of price.  
Best / Cheapest desktop micro-amp?
I have the Zamp paired with an audioengine D1 and it’s a very clean and detailed desktop hiss. There is no mid bass boost like most other small amps have including the Sprout. Also less risk of ground loop compared to Class D. The Emoti... 
interesting link to Class D amp clones from Audioholics
There isn't much an amp designer can do with Class D besides swap out the factory power supply and add an input stage.  
Bookshelf Speakers - $500-$900 range
The Kef LS50 with its coaxial and small driver will give you a single point source and a great image...forward presentation. There is a bump in the upper midrange that will give you extra detail. Bass is weak so you will need that sub. The CM5 is ... 
KEF Ls50 wireless vs passive
The actives put out more bass which is a big deal if you aren't using a sub. Yeah warranty is rough at 12 months. I don't expect them to hold their value like a passive would.  
Bookshelf Speakers - $500-$900 range
What's your current setup that you are trying to improve? What do you plan to do for bass?  
Opinions on Nuprime vs D-sonic vs Red Dragon vs Class D Audio
Pick one with a 30 day return policy and don't buy in to the break in talk. If they needed to be broken in the amp maker would do this in advance.  
Class D is just Dandy!
This part was eye opening. S&V: Generally speaking, what are the key benefits of Class D versus the traditional Class AB and Class A designs that have long been favored by audiophiles? BP: Efficiency and therefore the ability to construct amps...