
Responses from sean

solid state gear- leave on?
El: Obviously, "well designed" has different meanings to different designers / engineers / end users. There are those that feel that the addition of ANY unnecessary parts / circuitry is a poor design. Then again, there are those that think that a ... 
Do Kimber KCAG's sound bright????
Raquel: i have used silver cabling that NEVER "broke in" i.e. it always sounded thin, bright, glaring, etc... resulting in a lack of listening enjoyment, loss of PRAT and a giant increase in listening fatigue. I thought like you did at first i.e. ... 
Advice on inexpensive CD player
Why mess with a cheap player and add yet another box ( DAC ) when you can have Ric at EVS do up a Panasonic, Toshiba or Samsung DVD player that will blow it away for less than $500 total investment? Sean> 
Is the JPS DIGITAL cable as good on CD as reviewed
I don't know the specifics of the JPS design, but i do know that proper impedance characteristics can DRASTICALLY improve the sonics of a system. If JPS is using some type of impedance compensation network on their digital cabling, along with good... 
Speaker/Amp Impedence Interface.......
Depending on what the impedance differences are at the point where the speaker impedance is sagging and the amplifier impedance is rising, and whether or not it is a positive or negative differential, the most likely results would be an increase i... 
solid state gear- leave on?
The only time i've ever seen or heard of gear catching fire was with tubed gear. The higher voltages found in this gear can tend to arc, igniting other components in the path of the arc. SS gear tends to pull higher levels of continuous current wh... 
cartridge for Eminent Technology ET2 tonearm?
Good for you Alan. I would recommend experimenting with cartridge loading once you get the Denon installed. There seems to be a general consensus as to where this cartridge tends to work and sound best in terms of a loading range, but this will va... 
The best sounding FM Tuner is.....
I have never personally seen, touched, measured or listened to a Marantz 10B. The gentleman that calibrates all of my test equipment happens to own one though. After aligning the unit, he not only told me that it measures better than any other tun... 
Where has the respect gone?
Stehno: While i meant what i said, i don't know how much more public i could have made it. If you or anyone else somehow missed these posts, here they are for your perusal. As per your wishes, i'll try to keep our interaction down to a minimum. Gi... 
Older PURE CLASS-A Amplifiers
Elinor: You should try your Threshold with some Goertz MI-2 Veracity cabling. Just make sure to use proper impedance compensation i.e. Zobel networks and see what you think. The results are extremely complimentary and natural sounding for a stagge... 
amp for infiinity kappa 9
Glad to hear that you've finally found an amp that will tame those beasts. I would suggest looking into your preamp next in terms of upgrades. Most of the mass produced SS preamps that i've heard have a very characteristic sound to them and it isn... 
Where has the respect gone?
Stehno: I asked to let by-gone's be by-gone's at the beginning of the year. I've refrained from "attacking" ( as you would put it ) any reviewers, manufacturers, corporations, etc... since that time. In fact, i have purposely and publicly walked a... 
solid state gear- leave on?
Elinor: I work on electronics for a living. The gear that gets cycled off and on the most and / or isn't used for extended periods of time is the gear that comes in for the most repairs. Both of those problems are related to in-rush current, highe... 
cartridge for Eminent Technology ET2 tonearm?
The lower the compliance of the cartridge, the more suitable it will be for use with this arm. If using the damping trough with the ET II, this increases the range of varying compliances that you can use, but i would still stick with a low to medi... 
the best amp to run the bass of infinity RS-1b's
Darin: Sounds like you've not only got a very nice sounding system, but one that is also quite eye-catching too. I'll keep an eye out for your next thread as i'll be interested to see where you go with cables. Sean>