
Responses from sean

Center channel mounting on Mitsubishi 52725
I was primarily talking about CRT based sets. I don't know much about LCD based TV's at all, so i'll have to defer to someone with more knowledge in that area.As far as the TV not having much area to work with on the top surface, the physical dime... 
Upsampling. Truth vs Marketing
You guys are all correct. Where i "fell down" on this one was that i was thinking in the analogue realm rather than in the digital realm. When i was thinking of how to explain "upsampling", i was trying to demonstrate exactly how "non symmetrical"... 
Center channel mounting on Mitsubishi 52725
Bruce: You've got three guns that have to be precisely aimed inside of an RPTV. Feeding a bunch of vibration directly into the TV chassis itself surely isn't going to help keep them aligned. This becomes even more critical with TRUE "full range" c... 
Center channel mounting on Mitsubishi 52725
Two things that you have to worry about here. That is, the weight of the speaker causing the top of the chassis to sag and the vibration from the speaker causing the TV to go out of alignment. Here's a simple plan to get around both problems. Take... 
1st,2nd,3rd order crossovers,etc
As much as i post and as fast as i can type, even i'm not up to writing the novel that such an answer would turn out to be. I would suggest reading these two books. You should read the Weems book first as it will give you the basic background that... 
Upsampling. Truth vs Marketing
El said: "In Sean's explanation the second set of 20 dots in set B should not be random. Those dots should lie somewhere between the two dots adjacent to them".By placing the "extra" dots ( sampling points ) "mid-point" between the previously adjo... 
Need complete stereo help starting with preamp
For $1200 and some very cautious and patient shopping on the used market, you can have a preamp / power amp that is staggeringly good for the money invested. If you are in a hurry and want to do this now while the cash is still in your pocket, you... 
Do high zoot speakers sound "forced"
I have multiple different types of speakers, both multi-ways and "one ways". They all have their benefits and drawbacks. One obviously has to choose what they like best in their specific room with their specific equipment. Personally, i could not ... 
Upsampling. Truth vs Marketing
Bombay: Your own description answers the problems that you questioned i.e. "On a historical note, Philips is the co. that is to be credited or discredited with the concept of upsampling. The original idea at Philips Reasearch Labs was to somehow g... 
Who woulda thunk?
How about hearing Iggy Pop doing "Lust For Life", The Buzzcocks doing "What Do I Get", Trio doing "DA DA DA", etc... on TV commercials??? You're right, who woulda thunk it??? All of these "outsiders" have sold out to crass commercialism. Sean>P... 
Upsampling. Truth vs Marketing
Get an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper and a pencil. Now draw a straight line horizontally across the page about 1/4 of the way down. Do the same think half-way down the page and then another horizontal line at 3/4 of the way down the page. The top line w... 
Blind Power Cord Test & results
Drubin: My post was not to say that one CAN NOT tell differences right away, but that many differences are subtle and could easily be lost "in the heat of the moment". As i mentioned above, if i had not heard instant differences when changing one ... 
Blind Power Cord Test & results
One has to be intimitaly familiar with all of the gear being used and the recording in order to identify if there has been a change made. Picking specific parts of a song to use as a cue tends to work well, but if one wasn't quite familiar with th... 
solidstate with ML electrostats
Most speakers suffer from a very noticeable "dip" in the upper bass / lower midrange area due to what is called "floor bounce". On top of this, you will also have a greater degree of cancellation at certain frequencies due to the dipolar design of... 
Blind Power Cord Test & results
Quad made a very unique device for testing componentry in a direct A vs B mode, but it doesn't work like a typical ABX type box. This device actually allows you to insert another preamp or amp in series with your existing system and switch it in a...