
Responses from sean

Isolation vs. Absorbtion
To add to the above novel, i hope that Redkiwi (or anyone else) does not think that i was attacking him in any way or take anything personal. I have greatly enjoyed many of the posts that he has made on this subject and tend to agree with many of ... 
Isolation vs. Absorbtion
I'll try to address both Dan and Jay's questions here as briefly and simply as possible while touching upon Redkiwi's comments. In terms of the MGD rack, i had originally added large "fender washers" between the locking nuts on both the top and bo... 
Pipedreams... Any thoughts?
Yes, those are the "baby" Pipedreams at Holm. I thought they sounded pretty good when i listened to them. One thing that i did note was that the system was FAR superior with the Electrocompaniet CD player as a source instead of the Sony SCD-1. Muc... 
What to do? What to do?
My suggestion is to look for something that is relatively efficient ( 90+ db's), has an impedance that is nominally 8 ohms and leans towards the "warm" side of neutral. All of your electronics and speaker cables are on the bright / lean side of ne... 
Biamplification in Mid-Fi?
I agree with all of the above. Most speakers are "voiced" to sound and perform a certain way with their passive components ( i.e. "crossovers" & "wiring") taken into consideration in the initial design. Altering those parts or changing the slo... 
While it doesn't take much skill to build a sub that will move a lot of air, it's a completely different story if you want it to be fast, tight, extended and well controlled with minimal ringing. To do this TYPICALLY means that the sub will be SPL... 
Phono Cartridges and Replacement Styli
Thanks for the responses. I just bought two more used cartridges and will need styli' for both of them. Hopefully, somebody will have all of them that i need in stock !!! Sean > 
Does Threshold equal newer amp designs?
Many of the Threshold / Forte' products built and designed by Nelson Pass EASILY surpass much of the "common" gear of today. One can easily pick up used gear from the above brands for $350 - $650 that will literally slap current amplifiers costing... 
WOW, check out these Stereo Systems.
I had posted a link to that site a couple of years ago on AA. I agree that there are quite a few nice systems on that site and it is well worth posting again here for those that aren't familiar with it. For those that have never visited it, get re... 
just hype?
Zen, my comments about the reviews on AudioReview were not aimed strictly at the Newforms but at all of the reviews there in general. I would agree that a product that consistently gets raves from it's owners says a lot, but i also look at the neg... 
"Protocols" of record cleaning
Digging through some of my old IAR's last night, i found Enid Lumley's "guide to record cleaning". It sounds ABSOLUTELY INSANE to me. If anyone else is interested, let me know and i'll post her recommendations. We'll get to see just how dedicated ... 
Amps and Women
Jsbail, the difference between you A-B'ing all day and your wife forming opinions in 5 minutes is that YOU enjoy the tinkering around while she gets to verify the results. It's kind of like the guy that does his own tune-ups and the one that pays ... 
Pwr cable v Tubes
Since tubes are an active component and a power cord is strictly passive, the tubes would be far more likely to produce a more noticeable difference under ANY conditions. While a power cord MIGHT change the sound, tubes surely would. Whether or no... 
Amps and Women
I have been blessed with a girlfriend who is "tolerant" of my audio & electronics based "cluster....". While she does enjoy having all of the "goodies" that we have to take advantage of, she doth think that i carry on just a bit much. Nonethel... 
Isolation vs. Absorbtion
Redkiwi makes some very valid "points" : ) My experience is that i have noticed EXTREME differences when changing racks and isolation devices. I had a "home-brew" all wood rack that i had everything dialed in on very nicely, but i added more compo...